A Mile in my Shoes - Day One

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The first day went by relatively easily, it was spent mostly at home with us, or mainly me, getting adjusted to our new situation.

Loki, unsurprisingly, took to being me as if it were an every other week thing for him.

Of course, I had heard stories of his past, all of which he had told me had happened in a way but not technically to him. That he had lives that spanned over more years than we could count and that in some of these lives, though he may not remember them directly, he would have been female himself.

It explained a lot, but it was still disconcerting that he took to it like a duck to water.

Honestly, being Loki wasn't too bad, but there were a few things that took a while to adjust to.

His height was one thing, being able to reach the top shelf with barely any stretching was fantastic but standing up was still a surprise each time as I'd forget just how tall I'd gotten in comparison to my usual self.

The other elephant in the room was, most obviously, going to the bathroom.

Naturally, I was accustomed to being around Loki's dick, in fact we knew each other quite well, but that didn't mean that using his myself was anymore peculiar than it would have been had I grown my own.

Looking at it from the angle I had to when needing to pee was weird enough, being aware that it was constantly there and just a small flick away from causing me debilitating pain was even worse.

"You're walking like you're made of ice," he laughed as I stepped into the room, carrying a plate of well buttered scones and a cup of tea.

It was late afternoon and Loki had taken to lounging across our well worn couch, wearing my only pair of shorts that were perhaps a bit too short, especially from my place across from him where I could see the outline of his black underwear, and my lounging cardigan which he had knotted at the bottom in order to hold it together to cover his chest, he had forgone wearing a bra but the image of modesty was still small.

"It's so hot," he groaned, closing his eyes as he let his legs fall open further ungracefully.

"It's more muggy than hot, humid perhaps."

"How do you put up with it?"

"The same way you are, dress as lightly as possible and take cold showers," I looked over and smiled, "or I cuddle up with you, my walking fridge."

Loki looked over, giving me the best cute expression he could manage with my face.

"Will you come over here and do that for me?"

Something fluttered in my stomach, making it churn and feel bubbly and giddy.

I knew the feeling all too well but I was experiencing it as someone else.

I was feeling Loki's love for me.

It appeared as though our bodies still reacted to one another despite the shifted inhabitants and what they may think of themselves.

That was kind of adorable, remembering this feeling would help settle any worries that would spring up about how Loki truly felt towards me.

It was strange, but I accepted it for what it was, perhaps it wasn't normal but most people couldn't switch bodies with their own boyfriend, so to question anything further would seem a little unnecessary.

"You just want to steal my scones," I laughed playfully, still getting up from the chair and grabbing my treats.

"Maybe half of one," he smiled back, sitting up and shifting along the cushion to give me space to sit down.

I carefully set down my steaming mug on the coffee table and then eased myself into the chair, still getting used to the height difference.

Resting the plate on my lap, I held out an arm for Loki to shuffle into so that he could snuggle up against my side and rest his head on my shoulder.

This was a typical position for us, usually we'd either be reading or watching something on the TV, but sometimes after a long day of work we would cuddle and just let out our grievances for the day.

We would take it in turns being the big spoon in the hug, sometimes even Loki liked to be the one curled into it but literally being the bigger spoon was going to take some getting used to.

At least for the week.

"This is nice," he murmured, as predicted grabbing one of the scone halves from my plate, "I didn't realise just how soothingly cool my skin was."

I laughed and shrugged a little, picking up the other half, "I have told you before that you're great for heatwaves."

"I know," he said around a full mouth, "but I've never had a chance to appreciate it like this."

"We're in for a world of new experiences, I'm kind of anxious, especially about having to go to Asgard."

"Don't worry, I informed Thor of my plan and he agreed to show you the ropes of my duties," Loki tilted his head up to smile at me, "you'll be fine, you've got the sass to be me, you just need to master the smirk."

"Now you're asking for the impossible."

We both laughed and settled back into a comfortable silence, as we had spent most of the day truthfully.

It wasn't uncommon for us to not speak for long amounts of time when we were both at home, purely because we enjoyed each other's company and sometimes speaking wasn't necessary to be perfectly content.

We had spent most of our time as if it were any other day, reading, eating and doing our own house-based things.

I focused on doing some housework that needed to be done and Loki was working on some papers I would have to take with me, it was nice.

Just as this moment was.

I turned to reach down beside the couch where I had left my book the night before.

I'd barely turned for a second when a yelp of pain and a curse came from behind me, making me jump and spin back around to see Loki sat up straight, one of his borrowed hands clasped over the right borrowed breast.

"You okay?" I asked, frowning in concern.

"Yeah, I just pinched myself," he ground out through gritted teeth.

Oh yeah.

The period thing.

I'd forgotten about that.

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