Drifter - Request by My Soul Has Been Sold

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(A shorter one than usual, but I got a rather interesting prompt and this is what came of it.

Sorry for all the spam uploads recently too!

Prompt: Can I request for a scenario where Loki wakes up to falling in a black and never ending abyss and he tries to get out but he can't and just continues to fall? You can change and finish it how you like.)

He wasn't sure how it started, but when he woke up Loki found himself falling.

Not that he could see where he was, but he knew that he was falling from the sensation of wind rushing past him and the way his stomach was dropping.

He'd heard the saying that sorrow was like falling into a deep abyss, but this was taking it to ridiculous levels.

Ever since their death, he hadn't been the same.

The people around him took notice but weren't sure on what to do to help, they offered hands of comfort and help, yet they were never enough to drag him back into the darkness he was burying himself in.

It was a comfort for him to know that should he need to, he could retreat from the world when he became to much and yet as of late, Loki had found that he had been doing it again and again for longer periods of time.

He never expected to literally be dragged down into the abyss of his own sorrow.

As he fell eternally, he tried to think of a way to escape but nothing came.

Magic didn't seem to work, it refused to flare up at all within the confines of wherever he was being held and there seemed to be no end to his fall.

No light at the end.

Maybe it was best that he was here, falling deeper and deeper into the void that matched how he felt each passing day.

Drifting deeper and deeper into his own reclusive mind, shutting everyone out and swamping himself in memories of them and their time together.

He'd hoped they'd grow old together over the millennia, maybe prepare a few children of their own for the world ahead of them and watch as they grew up as they themselves got old and grey.

But that had been stripped away from him.

His memories of them were now warped, their face was beginning to blur and become something he didn't seem to recognise and this frightened him, to think that one day he would completely forget what they looked like or who they were.

If they were even who he remembered them as was hard enough to keep up with, perhaps they hadn't even been the one he kept referring to.

Perhaps this was for the best.

The best for himself and the best for those around him.

To just lose him into the abyss of emptiness that he'd subjected himself to.

Loki knew that Thor didn't deserve to be treated how he'd been treating him in his sorrow, silently he made a vow to apologise and make amends to his brother should he ever return.

Time passed, but Loki didn't feel it.

Instead every sense he could register began to numb and his eyes drifted shut, if they weren't already closed, though he swore that he could feel them growing heavy.

They'd never adjusted to the darkness, he supposed that there was nothing around for them to adjust to in order to see.

No source of light that penetrated the unending void.

Until there was.

Loki wasn't sure when he'd twisted around or it could have been that he was no longer falling and was now instead rising back from where he originally fell, but within the sight of his half-closed eyes was a small dot of light that appeared to be gradually getting closer.

A sense of relief washed over him as he let the light engulf him.

Even behind his closed eyelids, he could feel the bright light burning and warming his skin, Loki knew that opening them now would cause nothing but discomfort.

He wasn't sure if he was still falling, but he was perfectly content to never wake again.

As he accepted his fate with open arms, he felt a warm pair wrap around his shoulders in a welcoming embrace as a soft voice laughed in his ear.

"You silly God, you weren't supposed to be here for years to come."

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