A True Trickster - Part Four - Supernatural/Marvel Crossover

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You were surprised by how quickly you all managed to scout your intended targets, though part of you wondered if Dean had cheated and called on Castiel to help him, but within an hour you were all calling each other with updates.

Unsurprisingly, the carnage left in the wake of three Gods was rather easy to follow.

Sam and Thor had located Jorg after witnesses claimed to see a giant snake-like creature slithering between manholes, it was lucky that he didn't seem to be as big as Thor remembered him to be.

You recalled hearing about cases where Gods who were no longer believed in lost power, maybe this was the case with him, only rather than power he lost size.

It was only a minute after you had gotten off of the phone with Sam, who was going to climb into the sewer with Thor to hunt down the snake, that Dean called with an update on Sleipnir, who appeared to have been left to his own devices.

Dean said that aside from the eight legs, he seemed pretty unthreatening and docile enough that it could be possible to simply lead him back to a meeting point, perhaps it was possible that the trampling had been an accident or he was provoked and lashed out like any animal would on instinct.

All he had to do was get the freaking out equine to calm down so that he could lead him somewhere that meant safety for the civilians in the surrounding area.

"There's no reason to believe he wouldn't," Loki commented with a shrug, "he is still but a horse after all."

As for you and Loki, you had managed to track Hela down to the town hall, where a play had been scheduled to run for the next few nights.

"You really think she'd crash a play?" You asked, looking out of the car window as you pulled up."

"If she has the same dramatic flair as her father then yes, I don't doubt it."

"Then I guess we're heading inside."

With a weighted sigh you got out of the car, but not before Loki noticed the shift in your features that went from light and playful to hardened and worn, which he guessed was from years of having to hunt, kill and having your life be put on the line.

You stepped to the back and opened the door to the rear seat, leaning in you dragged out a bag and began to rifle through it as Loki climbed out of the car and made his way around to your side, his eyes watching you curiously.

As you pulled out a variety of weapons, you glanced over your shoulder at Loki and nudged towards the bag.

"You want something?"

"No," he smirked, sparking up a green mist around his fingers, "I am my own weapon."

"Show-off," you mumbled, zipping up your bag and throwing it back into its spot before closing the door, "so you're magic?"

"Yes, it's called seiðr where I'm from."

You stared at him for a moment then shook your head, "Can you guys have normal names for something for once?"

Loki gave a knowing chuckle and followed behind you as you walked up to the large doors of the town hall, looking at Loki with a moment of uncertainty, you waited for him to give you the go ahead to reach your hand out and twist the old iron handle.

The door, however, didn't budge.

"Shit," you hissed, stepping back, "it's locked."

"Either it's locked for the performance or she locked it to stop people leaving."

"Which do you think is most likely?"

A piercing scream came from inside, followed by sounds of mixed yelling and pounding footsteps that stopped just as abruptly as they began.

"I say it's likely she's in there," Loki nodded, stepping up to the door and placing his hand over the lock.

"Great, think you can get in?"

"No," he rolled his eyes, his tone laced with sarcasm, "I just enjoy caressing doors."

You glared at his back and folded your arms, looking away like a pouting child.

Loki paid you no further attention as he focused his magic on the old lock, feeling the seiðr seep from him as he picked at the metal contraption.

After what felt like a minute of you stood there, watching him embrace a door from your point of view, he took another step back just as both doors swung open.

"Et voila," he smirked, indicating towards the doors with a flourished bow.

"As I said, show-off," you laughed, walking past him and heading inside.

The town hall was a large and evidently historic area, the short entranceway reminding you of a church with tall walls and wooden beams until the cream walls met with another set of doors that thankfully weren't locked.

Entering into the main hall, you could see a grand staircase to your right whereas directly in front of you and to your left there were many doorways and corridors leading to various rooms.

Looking around slowly, you estimated that there were about seven turns that you both would investigate before heading upstairs, which was most likely where that play was being held.

You each took your time searching down each separate corridor and through each door, finding mostly empty offices, bathrooms and what you'd guess would be exhibition rooms.

Meeting in the middle of the room once again, you gave each other a look that said that the inevitable was to come and turned to the stairs.

Taking out your phone, you quickly shot a text to the Winchesters to let them know where you were and what you thought was about to go down, then you slipped it back into your pocket and readied your gun as you took the first step up.

When you reached the first landing, you both went up the steps that split onto either side, you took the left side and Loki took the right just in case any sudden attacks would occur out of nowhere.

You both reached the set of doors in front of you and could hear the whimpers of the people inside as well as a booming female voice.

"Look at you all, trembling before me, as you should be."

You glanced at Loki and raised your eyebrow in questioning, he merely shrugged as a response and remained silent.

"For years you all stopped believing in us, stripping us of what is rightfully ours and now you all dare to beg for your life as you cower before your rightful rulers."

"Wow," you whispered, shaking your head a little, "your past self's daughter sounds like a total bitch."

"I don't know, I kind of like her style."

You shook your head and let out an exaggerated sigh as she continued her speech inside.

"Perhaps if you pray enough to me, I'll gift you all once I've reached the power I deserve to have," you could practically hear the gloating smirk in her voice.

It was strange, you always imagined Hela as a soft-spoken girl who, according to mythology, mostly just wanted to be accepted and loved by her father who only visited her when he needed something and yet hearing her now, it seemed that she had been pushed to the brink and that was just kind of sad.

Part of you didn't want to have to deal with her, but you knew it was for the best.

And so, after taking a deep breath, you tightened your grip on your gun and kicked open the door.

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