The King's Attention

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It was beginning to get a little weird.

You hadn't failed to notice the way that you caught Odin's eye when you were serving him, nor the almost sly smile that he would direct towards you every now and then.

The thought made you shudder a little.

You hadn't been working at the palace for long, but five months had flown by and Odin seemed to get creepier with each passing day.

"He has been acting rather odd these pass months," Kari, one of the other serving girls, admitted one night when you were all sat around the small wooden table to eat your evening meal.

"Frigga's death must have hit him hard," sighed Maigret, the older of the new servants, with a sad look.

At first you had been honoured to be amongst some of the girls he had picked to serve him, not many could say that they had such an honour as being picked by the All-Father himself, now you just wanted to keep your distance unless absolutely necessary.

The other girls didn't seem to mind picking up or swapping any workload you wished to pass off due to it being too closely involved to Odin, they enjoyed the opportunity to get close to the King of Asgard and butter him up a bit for their own favour.

Something you were all too glad to pass up.

Whilst you were honoured to have been chosen to work for him, you had seen it as a chance to get somewhere in your life, not for the kind of gain it seemed the others were trying to get by swinging their leg over and bending over backwards in their position as simple servants.

Unfortunately, you were all too aware that Odin would pick up on your distance sooner rather than later and your time of working in peace would cease eventually.

So you enjoyed it whilst you could and tried not to make it too obvious that you were avoiding him, this was mostly done by the occasional shift where you worked in the food hall as a server.

It was during one of these shifts that he'd caught your attention.

You had been wandering from person to person, offering a serving of mead with a pleasant smile.

Odin had managed to catch your eye as you stepped away from one of the many feasting warriors and he gestured to his own goblet, making your heart sink as you realised that meant having to get close enough for him to leer at you as he had done in the past.

You suppressed a shudder as you walked to him, your grip on the jug in your hands tightening as you moved.

His eye never left you as you approached the table, a strange smirk adorning his lips.

You had to suppress a harsher shudder as his eye roamed over you with an obvious look of hunger, one you had never wanted to see coming from him.

Though you respected Odin in your own way, there was never anything overtly enchanting about him that made you wish to be more than a server and it was unusual to see him being lecherous towards another woman.

Everyone had commented on how Frigga's passing tore at him, yet in such a short time it was almost as if he didn't remember what they once had.

Odin tapped his finger on the edge of his goblet and stared down at you expectantly, you nodded and went about refilling the cup, keeping your eyes focused on the rising level of the mead.

"Are you avoiding me for a reason?"

You start at his voice, taken aback less by the question but more by the sound of it.

Somehow his voice was softer and smoother, even his accent appeared to have changed and didn't hold the age it previously did.

It sounded nothing like Odin.

This voice was pleasant to hear and somehow made your stomach flip.

"No, sir, I have just been needed elsewhere," you reply feebly, still unable to meet his eye as whole array of new and conflicting feelings scuttled through you.

"I believe it's more than that," he stated in that same new voice, his tone sounding amused.

"I assure you it isn't."

His hand moves away from the table and towards you, cold fingers pressed against your chin as he tilted your head up so you are finally looking at him.

"I don't appreciate you lying to me."

The way he spoke so quietly so only you two could hear unnerved you a little, but not as much as the strange green glow that seemed to flare around him for a brief second before disappearing once again.

"When you are done with your work for the day, you are to attend to my chambers, alone."

You could only nod weakly at his demand as you were in no position to argue, your heart jolting as he smiled before shooing you away with a wave of his hand.

As you stepped back from the table, you were sure that for a flickering moment Odin's one eye became a vastly different shade of blue.

(Author's Note: Hello! I don't usually do these but I hope you enjoyed this little update, there will be a part two eventually (like many other bits left hanging, I'm getting there!)

In the meantime I just wanted to drop by and give a little heads up that I've started a separate story called In Exile that I will link here:

It's just a bit of LokixReader fluff, I have no idea where it's going but I will update as and when an idea comes along. It was originally going to be a oneshot like the stories here, but as it was a much longer image I made it its own thing.

I hope you can check it out.

See you around.

Hell xxx)

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