Feeling Festive - Loki (featuring Tony)

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"Please, Loki."

"No, I've been saying this for half a month now."

"But the children will love it."

"It's ridiculous, it's not even our own custom."

"Perhaps not, but the children know of it now and you are the perfect one to do it, they'll never know it's you."

Loki rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest, his expression less than happy.

"Besides, I rarely get to see you shift, this is a wonderful opportunity to put that special gift of yours to use and show everyone else how it's done in a way only you can."

He glances at you from the corner of his eye, a faint smirk twitching the side of his lip.

If there was one thing Loki enjoyed, it was having his ego stroked and being able to show everyone else up.

"Only me?"

"I don't think Thor is suited to the task and the rest of the pesky ones in the tower are hardly suited at pretending to be another as thoroughly as you."

"And you're saying all I have to do is show up, give out some presents, eat cookies and leave?"


"That sounds too nice for me."

You laugh and shake your head, nudging him with your shoulder.

"Do it for our boys."

"I hate it when you pull the 'our boys' card," he huffed.

"I know, that's why I do it."


Loki sighed and stared into the mirror, shaking his head a little at his reflection.

"The one time she asks me to use my shifting and it's to be 'this'," he grimaced, looking down at the bright red and white outfit he'd conjured.

"Just think of the boys," he muttered to himself, turning away from the mirror and picking up the brown sack that contained the presents he was to personally hand to each of the children attending the party.

A knock sounded at the door and before Loki even had a chance to answer it opened and Tony peered around the wood.

His eyes instantly lock onto Loki and a worrying smirk adorns his face.

"Say one word and you're done," the God growled, swinging the sack over his shoulder.

"Who? Me? Like I'd ever say anything about your makeover, even if it is an improvement."

Loki glared at him and flipped him off, a Midgardian gesture he never thought he would end up using.

"Hey," Tony chuckled as his grin grew, "you're supposed to be festive and jolly and working in terms of your allowance here."

"I am, but telling you where to shove it isn't against the rules you placed."

"It's not? Damn, maybe I need to add it in."

Loki rolled his eyes and walked over, pulling the door open further to step out.

"Even think of it and I will ruin this ridiculous party for everyone."

"That's not very Santa-like, is it? Think of the children."

"I care about no one's children but my own...and maybe Thor's."

"Remind me again why we invited you?"

"Because I'm the only one who could make this 'Santa' man real."

Tony nodded slowly before shrugging, "Alright, I'll give you that."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small collection of bells that made a terrible clattering as he moved his hand.

Tony held out the instrument to Loki, who eyed it sceptically with a hint of annoyance.

"And why do I need this noisy contraption?"

"Simple, you jingle it as you come down the hall as symbol to us parents that 'Santa is coming'."

Loki looked at him with a raised eyebrow, to which Tony only sighed.

"Just shake it before you come into the room, okay?"

"I suppose," he resigned hesitantly, taking the shaker.

Tony gave him a quick nod and turned away before a thought struck him and he turned back, pointing at the fake-Claus.

"Oh and try to be jolly."

Loki stared at Tony as he retreated back to the large lounge where a group of young children were happily chatting, singing along with the Christmas songs that were playing or eating.

Through the doorway at the end of the long hall, he caught a brief glance of his own sons holding up odd little trinkets and food items and enthusiastically talking to their Uncle.

He couldn't help but smile at the sight before the door clicked shut and left him to stand alone in the hallway for a few lingering minutes.

Loki looked down at the bells in his hand and took a deep breath, glancing towards the door once again before lifting them up and giving them a small shake.

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