A True Trickster - Supernatural/Marvel Crossover - Request by Chloe925

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The case had become beyond exasperating and getting through to the Winchesters was proving to be difficult.

Every time you thought you had a lead, the well would run dry and it would lead to nowhere in the end after hours of following clues.

You'd gone back to your motel room one night and stared, long and hard, at the evidence and clues that'd you'd built up, wracking your brains to try and figure out what was going on.

One victim appeared to be kicked and trampled to death, as if by multiple horses.

One had a large piercing hole where their stomach and intestines should have been.

The most recent one had been inadvertently turned into two face, one side of their head was mangled and rotted partially away to show the bone underneath while the other remained intact but twisted in pain, even in death.

It was as you were staring at these pictures that the wildest of ideas came to light, truth be told you felt kind of foolish even thinking of it, but it was your only hope.

You had initially tried to get hold of Sam, wanting to borrow either an old lore book or his brains to find what you needed.

When he was a no go, and you made a mental reminder to give him a stern talking to about being too busy to talk to you, you turned to Bobby Singer, hunter and researcher extraordinaire.

A long phone call and a couple of texts later, you had what you needed.

After a few hours' sleep, which was a rare occurrence for any hunter, you were stood over a bowl of varying ingredients with a box of freshly made jam tarts to the side, thank God that the bakers opened early, and a box of matches in your hand.

"If every other God is real," you mumbled to yourself, lighting a match, "then I pray to anyone listening that this one is."

Taking a deep breath, you threw the match into the bowl and stepped away from the table before a plume of green, black and gold smoke that erupted from the ingredients could catch you in the face.

Surprisingly, the strange concoction burned with a pleasant smell that reminded you of plant life during Autumn, where the leaves, branches and undisturbed cobwebs were covered in dew.

It was an odd, but pleasant moment.

There was a pause in time that seemed to go on forever and you began to wonder if maybe you'd done something wrong.

Even the most hateful of demons who despised your guts didn't give you this long a wait.

Just as you were going to give up and officially close of the summoning ritual, a shimmer of green at the other end of the table caught your eye.

You looked up just in time, as right before you a man of clearly regal stature seemed to materialise like an illusion.

"Loki?" You asked as he glanced around the motel room and seemed to sigh in disappointment.

"That would be me," he drawled out.

To say that you were taken aback would have been an understatement.

After reading up about the Norse myths, and taking a deep fascination with them by the end of your research, you thought that you'd be greeted by a man with wild, red hair and an unattractive face with a look of nothing but mischief.

Instead, stood before you was a man of a tall and lean stature who was wearing the most intricate form of green and black leather that you had seen, yet it didn't look out of place on him.

His skin was pale and his facial features were angular in a way only a God could have crafted for them, his dark hair brought out his sharp features further and made his eyes stand out.

The look of cunning and mischief was written all over his face and his eyes looked dangerous but intelligent.

Needless to say, the God in front of you was beyond what you had thought and there was a subtle hint of instant attraction that thumped in your chest.

If he were just another mere hunter, you'd have jumped at the chance to add him to your 'personal encounter' list.

"You...are not what I expected."

He rose one of his eyebrows and regarded you with a bemused expression.

"What is that supposed to mean? You summoned me, didn't you?"

"Well yeah, but I was expecting, you know, a red head with a crooked nose or something like that."

"Charming, nice to know that I've left a reputation on Midgard."

"Yes, but that's not why I brought you here."

"I'm hoping you'd have a reason, otherwise you're wasting my time."

You nodded slowly, lifting up the box of goodies you'd bought.

"I did bring treats."

Loki looked at the box and tilted his head a little, regarding the still slightly warm pastry.

"Jam tarts?"

"I read that they're your favourite."

"Perhaps in the past, but not so much now," he chuckled as the plucked one of the apple tarts out of the box, "but I appreciate the gesture."

"Thanks," you nodded, setting the box down and taking one for yourself, either strawberry or blackcurrant judging by the colour inside.

"Now, what did you need?"

"I want to discuss a case with you."

"A case?"

He looked at you quizzically before taking a bite from his food, not taking his piercing eyes off of you, which caused you to fiddle a little.

"Yes, you see I'm a hunter."

"A primitive being?"

"I...suppose?" You frowned in confusion then shook your head, "anyway, I hunt monsters and I think I have a case that involves you."


"More specifically your children."

Loki seemed to flinch as if taken aback and held up a hand to stop you, giving him time to finish the food in his mouth so that he could speak without interruption.

"'My' children?"

"Yes, I believe my case is somehow revolved around Sleipnir, Hela and the giant snake whose name I know but can't pronounce."


"Yeah, that one."

"Just those three?"

"So far, yes."

"Alright, that seems easy enough to figure out, but a few things first," he pulled out a chair and sat down, the mood in the room suddenly turning business like as you followed suit, "I am not their father, one long gone incarnation of me is, but it's not me."

"The whole 'If a God dies, they are reborn as the same God' thing?"

"Precisely, but I still know them well enough as if they were my own."

"Alright and second?"

"Second," he smirked, setting down the pastry to lean against the wood of the table with his arms crossed, "I don't work for free, you'll have to sweeten the deal."

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