Who Plays Who?

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Loki rushed through the halls of the palace, his footsteps echoing as the soles of his formal black shoes clicked along the floor.

Others had to step out of the way in his haste, some calling after him whilst others just gave him an odd look and continued on their way with a muttered comment of rudeness.

That wasn't to say that he hadn't noticed the impolite comments, but his eagerness stopped him from turning back and challenging them about talking unflatteringly about one of the princes.

Though he guessed that at a quick glance no one would be able to tell that it was him, especially not helped by his hurried pace and the illusion that covered him.

Barely two hours ago he had been in Midgard, once again taking the role of his alter ego to attend some boring award ceremony he didn't truly care about but had to show his face at, more out of obligation than anything.

He had millions of fans to please and the press wanted to see the kind, intelligent and chirpy personality that he had created many years back as a means of escapism from Asgard and his princely duties.

This personality had grown much bigger than he had anticipated, though he wasn't surprised nor disappointed at the result of his extracurricular activities.

Loki had found that he had loved acting just as much as the attention and adoration that he received from millions of people, given the choice he'd have probably chosen to live his life as Tom permanently.

He laughed to himself as he thought of how he'd come up with this alternate life and stumbled across the Midgardian name whilst reading up on some important people of their past, though the surname came from a street sign he had passed during a slow traipse through London.

A few altered letters, a minor attitude adjustment and bam, world famous actor Tom Hiddleston was born.

He'd also changed small details about himself, mostly his hair which he'd changed from long, black and straight to short, more of a blond or light brown in colour and curly if not tamed.

Loki made his usual eye colour, which could shift from blue to green at times, a more pure and clear blue that shined with boyish charm.

It wasn't much, but it was apparently enough to fool even people of Asgard, not that the Midgardians would truly know better.

They didn't know that Loki actually existed, which made it even more hilarious when 'Tom' had been approached to play a fictional depiction of the God, one that became a huge hit with the mass public.

He thoroughly enjoyed getting so any compliments from merely being himself.

He found that he enjoyed the accompanying jokes even more.

It seemed the more he appeared in public to attend events and interviews, the more people would joke about whether Tom played Loki or Loki played Tom.

If only they knew that there truly was no Tom and that it had, of course, been Loki the entire time.

The irony never passed him and gave him a good laugh every time.

One that he shared with his long term lover back in Asgard.

He enjoyed coming home to spout out stories of what had happened in his alternate life, both good and bad.

On many occasions he would save clippings and pages from varying forms of media that he appeared in, just to bring back to show her.

Loki loved knowing that he could go home and have someone there waiting for him, someone who supported him unconditionally through all his crazy schemes and had accepted his choice to leave Asgard every now and then to live as an entirely different person.

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