Just A Little Extra - Chubby Reader - Part Two

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A month and a half passed as normally as the rest of your life had, nothing as eventful as a royal visit had occurred again and everyone had settled back in to their usual routine as if it had never happened.

Even your excitement about the one on one time you'd had with Prince Loki dwindled quickly, as you focused on your baking once again.

Each passing morning became more and more routine and thusly more mundane, the schedule of early rising, baking, selling and sleeping had somehow become slightly unfulfilling since your encounter with the Prince.

The morning you received the letter proved to be no different.

You rose early to begin an assortment of large cream and jam cakes, a new item that proved to be popular, as well and the ever-popular biscuits, cookies and pastries.

By the time you had packed up the last of the jam tarts, it was unnervingly close to being late for the stall opening and any delay, while not drastic enough to affect business, still made you fret a little.

There was always this sense of panic when it came to being late and there was something in this slight difference to the day that added an extra thrill, something that stirred up the mundane feeling.

That day proved to be a busy one, you returned home near out of stock and plenty wealthier though also very hungry, the bits of batter you'd eaten that morning as you made the treats proved to be a particularly insubstantial contribution to 'breakfast'.

Upon arriving home, your mother was bounding around in excitement.

At first you assumed that it was because your father had returned home from his job that had taken him away for a short time, that was until you noticed the paper clasped tightly in her hands.

You looked between them curiously, letting the door fall shut behind you.

"What's going on?" You asked slowly.

"There's a very important message here for you," your mother grinned.

"I'm willing to bet that it has something to do with your personal time with a certain Prince," your father smiled proudly.

"If by 'personal time' you mean that I shared a bit of my baking while stood behind the stall."

"As personal as you can get really," he shrugged.

"But it could get even more personal now," your mother giggled, a sound that you weren't used to hearing from her.

It was evident that she was trying her hardest not to unleash the words that begged to come out, though that did bring up the question as to why she was opening your letter.

"Just give her the letter, you know you can't keep secrets."

She let out a sound that implied offence but still handed the letter over.

Although the letter had been opened, the seal wasn't broken and the emblem imprinted within the wax gave away its royal sender.

The eager and overly excited look your mother gave you burned a hole in your head as you looked over the envelope.

You briefly glanced up to see her practically bouncing on the balls of her feet and couldn't help but to huff out a laugh, deciding that you'd put her out of her misery.

Turning the envelope over, you plucked the re-stuck wax seal away from the paper and unfolded the letter.

Neat and cursive writing met your eyes and for a brief moment you were taken aback by the beautiful letters that splayed across the page.

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