The Alpha - Part One - WereLoki - Sequel to And I Love, Animal

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(Part request, part co-creation with Chloe925 within my comment section.)

The day had started out as basically as any other.

You had woken up early with a craving for some salty meat and Loki got up with you to make sure that you were alright, he knew that things hadn't been easy for you as of late and his need to protect his mate flared each time he saw you.

His chest also swelled with a strange pride that it was his doing.

It had been almost two years since he had been turned and he subsequently exchanged the favour onto you, who was once the protector of the wolves that you know ruled over.

The transition wasn't easy and the new hierarchy proved difficult for some of the other wolves to swallow, but you and Loki had made your marks as the new alphas and they were going to accept it.

Considering how long you had been looking after them, it seemed it was easier for them to accept you than it was for them to accept Loki.

This stranger who had just waltzed in from nowhere and made broad exclamation, but he was your mate and that made them reluctantly back down.

It had been just over a year when Loki made good on his promise to continue keeping the wolf bloodline strong within the forest and now, five months later, you were heavily carrying his child, or children.

You had been nervous about visiting the doctor in the nearby town, not just in fear of any bad news they may have about your offspring, but also in fear of what they'd say if the little growing one, or ones, already had evidence of their wolf blood.

Your family had fought for years, centuries even, to keep the Normies tucked safely in their beds without the worry of monsters being real so there was no doubt that any trace of tiny wolf ears or a tail would freak out the resident doctor.

But the rate you were growing had started to concern you and you did want to know just how many children you were expecting to introduce into your pack.

"Don't worry about the size," Loki had comforted one night during your fourth month, his hand caressing the tightly stretched skin of your stomach, "that's probably down to my Jotun genes."

"Your what genes?"

He chuckled softly and kissed your temple, "In layman's terms, it means frost giant."

"Oh," you pouted, "that would have been nice to know beforehand."

"I can only apologise for withholding information."

It was two weeks after that talk that you decided to take the risk, you wanted to know of any potential risks to your unborn and you needed to know once and for all if it was one large child weighing you down or multiple children.

So that morning you went through your usual routine of making breakfast for you both, despite Loki's insistence that he was perfectly capable of preparing his own food, starting the washing machine and finally washing and brushing your teeth before you ventured out with car keys in hand.

Loki stood in the doorway and watched you leave, his mind telling him to go with you in case anything happened.

Thoughts that he quickly shut down, you were an adult and were more than capable of looking after yourself without your mate clinging to your heels.

He waved you goodbye as you sounded the car horn then took a deep breath and stepped back inside the house, instantly feeling how empty it was.

There were plenty of things he could do to distract himself.

There was a nursery to be decorated, furniture to put together, letters to be written and books to be read, but he didn't think that he'd be able to focus on any of them from that niggling voice of worry in the back of his head.

"You're being ridiculous," he muttered to himself, rolling his eyes, "she can last a few hours alone."

With a long huff, Loki decided that he would waste him time with the furniture and made his way to the room that was once an office and was now going to serve as a nursery.

Large white boxes lay in the corner, the teddy bears and pastel coloured decorations coaxing him over to finally rip them open and begin putting together the wooden slats inside.

"The bookshelf, I'll start with that."

He crouched down and pulled the heavy box over, ripping open the lid Loki then promptly upended the contents over the floor and grabbed the manual that fluttered out and landed on the top of the clutter.

Standing up once again, he casually began to flip through the manual whilst heading to the kitchen with the intentions of making himself some tea before beginning the task of his first batch of Midgardian DIY.

To say this was a vast difference from the life of a Prince would be a great understatement.

And so, a few hours and cups of tea later, Loki found himself sat in front of a near completed bookshelf, feeling proud of himself for managing to get this far without using any of his seiðr.

He had just managed to secure in the second to last shelf when a harsh banging at the door caught his attention, making him jump and almost resulting in his dropping the shelf onto his foot.

It was barely a minute later when more obnoxious banging pounded against the hard wood, the person on the other side clearly being impatient.

"Alright, I'm coming," Loki rolled his eyes, standing up whilst muttering obscenities under his breath.

What could be that urgent that they'd practically break the door down?

He paused mid-stride towards the door as his heart dropped.

What if there had been a crash? Or a mugging and you'd been killed?

What if you'd taken a tumble down some stairs and were now led in hospital, suffering alone?

This spurred him to move faster to the door, his heart racing in worry.

A few more poundings sounded before he managed to wrench the door open with one hand braced on the doorframe.

Behind the door stood a man who exhumed the scent of an alpha male.

The way he stood tall, puffing his chest out as his brown eyes glowered down at the God would have been a big enough give away if it wasn't for the overbearing stench of masculinity that seemed to ooze from him in droves.

His dark blond hair was tussled and tangled with leaves and twigs, Loki couldn't ignore how the man seemed to be fully coated in hair from his chest to his too large hands, the fact that he was fully nude didn't help with leaving anything to the imagination.

The scent was recognisable as soon as it hit him.

This was the previous alpha of the forest, the one who had attacked him and turned him the night he arrived.

"Can I-"

Loki sputtered as the man lunged forward and clamped one of his large hands around his throat, cutting off his sentence as strong hands attempted to crush his windpipe.

His feet left the ground as he was hoisted up by a strong arm, the man taking a few steps into the home before slamming Loki into the wall that held the doorframe in place, his long and dirty nails digging into his prey's flesh.

"I've got a bone to pick with you," he snarled.

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