Your Disney Princess - Part Two

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This wasn't how I had planned this trip to go.

I'd managed to sneak Loki out of the headquarters without issues.

Peter had helped with disguising him by sneaking the bits we would need into the headquarters in his school bag, which would look far less conspicuous than me arriving with something I wouldn't usually carry to work and end up raising questions.

At least he managed to do that without a hitch, unlike the numerous times he had almost blurted out our secret without thinking and those were during the times that I was around to stop him.

We'd managed to make it to Disney World without issue as well, the trip proving to be quite pleasant and not nearly half as annoying as I had expected it to be.

Peter was regaling us animatedly with stories of school and teenage life in the back seat while Loki sat in front with me, eventually easing into the long road trip and opening up more with the both of us.

We were soon all laughing and joking, learning more and more about each other as the hours passed during the long car journey, I won't even get into the terrible howling along to music that Loki had to suffer with.

After a few stops to stretch our legs and eat, we pulled up outside the park and booked ourselves into the rooms I had sorted out for us to get a goodnight's sleep before our hectic days of mad fun.

The next morning, I left my room and knocked on the boy's door to get them up for breakfast.

I hadn't expected to be greeted by Loki in a disguise that looked too real to be fake.

"Wow," I gasped, my eyes taking him in from head to toe.

"I know," he rolled his eyes, tugging at the copper coloured wig that was somehow stylishly messy, "I could have done a much better job if I still had my magic."

"No, actually I think I would have to say quite the opposite, it looks very realistic and the beard suits you."

"Right?" Peter grinned, standing on tiptoe to look over his shoulder, "I think we did pretty good."

"You did, though don't you think he looks too similar to an actor?" I asked, purposefully leaving the name out to see if he connected two and two.

Peter squeezed himself between Loki and the doorframe to stand beside me, taking a moment to regard Loki's new appearance before shrugging.

"I don't see it."

I also shrugged and told them both to come along for breakfast, presuming that it was all in my imagination.

Though that didn't stop Loki from getting plenty of attention from the roaming eyes of both males and females, some even dared to make passing comments and whisper amongst themselves.

One girl had sidled up to Peter in the breakfast line and they started a pleasant conversation between themselves until:

"You know, your dad is so handsome."

"Thanks," Peter smiled at the girl before his expression faltered and he started a series of flustered noises. "U-Uh, I mean no he isn' dad, I mean, that isn't my dad, he's just a friend."

I watched with sympathy as the girl gave him an awkward smile and slowly stepped to one side in the friendliest way she could, leaving Peter to stand by himself, his shoulders sagging at his own self-imposed defeat.

It would have been amusing if it wasn't so sad.

But breakfast continued without a hitch otherwise and the longer we went without any accusing comments the more my worry eased.

After breakfast Peter went off by himself, promising to catch up with us later and to keep me posted on what he was up to via random text drops here or there.

Which was perfectly fine by me.

Once we had come to an agreement with Peter and watched him run off, I let Loki take control of where he wanted to go from there.

The day was all his to control and I was at his beck and call, something I instantly regretted saying after he smirked at me in a way that made my stomach dance with butterflies.

It was nice, nicer than I had anticipated from a man who had barely spoken two words with me unless it involved his 'incarceration', as he liked to call it.

He would periodically check to make sure I was okay, smile at me and on a few occasions took my hand in his, lacing our fingers lightly.

It was surprising, but I enjoyed every second of it and the more time that passed, the more it felt like a strange romantic getaway with a man I didn't know liked me how I liked him and eventually my worries about his unintended look-a-like mishap started to fade.

Perhaps it was all in my head that he looked like a dead ringer for him and if so, then that meant that I could have him all to myself throughout our small trip, no matter how selfishly that came across.

However, it appeared that I was very wrong.

"Oh my god, is that Tom Hiddleston?!"

"It totally is!"

"Tom! Can we get a photo?!"

My eye twitched a little at yet more interruptions.

This was the fourth time it had happened in the space of two hours and it seemed that the breaks in between were getting smaller, which could only mean that rumour was starting to spread that a beloved actor was amongst the crowd and they would soon be seeking him out.

I didn't even want to think about what would happen should the media catch wind of this.

Standing in the long lines for the rides had been hard enough but having a bunch of screaming fans trying to clamber over one another to get to a man who wasn't even who they thought he was had to be one of the more frustrating things about it.

As if that hadn't been bad enough, it seemed that the princesses were fine with using their cutesy act for light flirting.

'They're just in character,' I told myself, watching as Cinderella discreetly squeezed at his bicep, 'they're just playing along.'

But my self-reassurance went nowhere and my stomach gurgled in jealousy.

My attention was drawn by my phone ringing in the right pocket of my jeans.

With a sigh, I glanced at the caller-ID and let out a long sigh.

"What's up, Peter?"

"Get your ass to the hotel room, immediately."

A chill ran down my spine as it straightened like a rod, my heart squeezing painfully as panic settled in.

"Of course, Mr Stark, I'll be right there."

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