Something To Hold On To - Request by Lupine_Phoenix

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(I love the requests you guys put it, really keeps me on my toes. Hope I stepped up to the challenge!)

You had a secret, one that you hadn't even told your best friend and it was surprising he didn't push you about coming clean, being the God of Lies you would figure that he would figure out that you were hiding something and would pry to know what it is.

Even if it was only to taunt you about it, as was his way.

The true sign of friendship.

Though truthfully, you weren't entirely sure how you were supposed to tell him, it wasn't anything that you ever really talked about before and it would feel a little awkward to just outright say it for no reason.

Especially to your best friend.

The door clicked open and you looked up from the book that you hadn't been paying attention to, not that you could really read it anyway, it was one of Loki's many magic, mumbo jumbo books that you didn't quite get.

Loki stepped inside, looking particularly tousled after a combat training session.

He was dressed down from his usual armour, instead wearing figure hugging, padded clothing in his signature colours and sturdy boots.

His face was flushed and his breathing was a little ragged, you could see beads of sweat running down his face.

It was all a tantalizing sight and you loved it, but the icing on top of the hot best friend cake was the fact that he had pulled his usually slicked back hair into a ponytail.

"Oh hey," he gasped, moving across the room to put down his training weapons, "you're already here."

"Yes, I was a little early and figured you wouldn't mind me hanging out until you're free."

"If you can manage to wait another ten minutes, I'll be right with you."

"I think I can somehow live for a few more minutes."

He let out a huff of a laugh through his nose and started to rid himself of his constricting shirt.

The entire time you're admiring the view.

Your secret wasn't that you had a thing for your best friend, in fact you had told him quite often that you thought he was considerably handsome and you'd had more than a few dreams about him that were never to be shared.

But seeing him stood there, hair pulled up to keep it out of his face was training was an entirely new world that you were almost ashamed to have never come across before.

How had you managed to miss this in all the years you'd known him?

Loki threw his discarded top onto the bed and glanced over at you, giving you a quick smile.

"Let me wash up and then I'll be right there."

You could only nod and watch as he walked into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind himself.

A shudder ran down your spine and you attempted to shake away the images that were beginning to plague your mind, both lewd and innocent.

Around fifteen minutes pass before the door unlocks and Loki walks out, mostly dry and dressed though he was still missing his shirt

His hair was tousled from a minor towel dry, though still wet enough for small droplets to fall onto his shoulders from the tangled strands.

That was the moment you fully accepted just how much of a crush you had on your best friend, not that you would say anything to risk ruining the amazing friendship that you had.

It would fade in time.

"Are you going to spend all day staring or are you going to answer my question?"

"Sorry, what question?"

He smirked, that knowing smirk that he did when he knew that he had something on someone and wouldn't reveal it until it could devastate them, you'd seem it so many times but never aimed at you.

"I asked what you wanted to do."

"Oh," you shrugged a little, "I don't really mind."

"Really?" Loki's grin seemed to widen as he turned towards you, placing a hand on his hips, "because I think you have something very specific in mind."

"Nope, nothing specific at all," you smiled, trying to ignore the flutter in your stomach.

Now, Loki was no mind reader, but looking at him now you would definitely believe that he was.

At least in some regards, you doubted that he knew how much you just wanted to ruffle his hair, to run your fingers through it and braid it.

Oh, the things you wanted to do with that hair.

Loki moved across the room, taking purposefully well strutted strides to accentuate his already ridiculous Sex God crown and then leaned down to you, long arms resting on either side of you on the wooden chair arms as he leaned in.

His eyes briefly flickered over your face before he chuckled and moved in closer, lips beside your ear so he could whisper;

"Show me what you want."

He took hold of one of your hands and placed it on his bare, still wet chest and then put his own back down where it had been to keep himself propped up.

You stared at your hand a moment, feeling like your heart was about to explode out of your chest.

You licked your bottom lip, glancing at him from the corner of your eye before taking his invitation.

Slowly, you moved your hand up his chest, over his shoulder, up his neck and along his jaw before sliding your fingers into the tousled, damp locks of black.

Beneath your hand you felt Loki jerk and from your peripheral vision you could see the look of surprise that crossed his face when you began to run the length of his hair through your fingers, pinching clumps and running the ends over your fingertips before you returned them to his roots, massaging his scalp before straightening the strands between your fingers once again.

You weren't entirely sure, but you thought you heard yourself let out a breathy sigh.

"This was what you wanted?" He asked, sounding mildly bemused.

"For so long," you mumbled back, "let me braid it next, please."

There's a short moment of silence between you before he nods slowly, letting out a rumbled laugh.

"If it pleases you this much, then be my guest."

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