This Fool, This Liar - Cheater Loki - Part Two

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It hurt.

It hurt more than you could ever express and was only made worse by the gall he had to think you wouldn't notice.

So you waited patiently during the night, unable to sleep due to the thoughts that raced through your mind.

It saddened you to realise that he thought that he could play you for a fool, go behind your back and then come home and continue pretending that everything was the same as when he'd left.

Perhaps things were different in Asgard, maybe it was a place where things were more casual and sex was just sex, but you had given yourself to a man who claimed to love you yet regularly turned to another.

There was a time when you would have thought you were merely being paranoid.

Insecurities hung in the air and made you believe that you weren't good enough for the Prince, a man who was charming, handsome and intelligent.

Such a perfect package couldn't possibly want to commit to you and now you knew that you were right.

There wasn't a way that he could deny it, you had seen them both together, locked in a kiss that was too intimate to have been the first.

You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, letting the air out shakily as you tried to calm down the pain in your heart at the image that had ingrained itself into your mind.

It wasn't a surprise really, Loki didn't seem the type to settle for long and she seemed like his type.

A fighter, self assured and strong headed, a lot more confidence in herself than you could have offered and it was obvious to see why she would appeal to him.

And that made you dislike her even though you had never formally met his co-workers.

A deep seated hatred had landed in your gut for the woman, but you knew she wasn't fully to blame and it was Loki who would have to answer to it all.

She could have been the one to make the first move, but he was the one who accepted it and didn't put a stop to it.

You loved him and it hurt to know that he'd never fully love you back, but you refused to silently turn a blind eye and continue to let him hurt you.

For a while you had thought of simply packing your things up and leaving, you couldn't go far on Sakaar, but far enough away from him to be happy and put things behind you.

However that was too easy on him, he probably wouldn't care too much if he was already cheating with another and you didn't want to chicken out of the chance to tell him how you felt, express your deepest emotions and make him realise just how much he had hurt you.

He wasn't getting off that lightly.

You weren't going to yell at him, scream and hiss until your face turned red and you humiliated yourself, you were going to tell him outright exactly what you knew and that the time had come for all to move on.

The fact that tears would be shed was something you had already come to accept, even if you didn't really want to it was inevitable.

Through the window you could see light slowly creep across the horizon and sleep finally began to take over your worrying mind, you rested your head on your hand and waited for the door to click open.

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