Just A Little Extra - Chubby Reader - Request

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(A request by Moonlightwolf15 on Quotev.)

The village was in hectic chaos from the early morning, the sun had barely started to rise before people were up and rushing about.

Just the evening prior there had been an announcement in the market square that the Princes would be coming to visit, the usual scheme of showing their faces every now and then to prove that the royal family cared about their people.

There was no doubt that they truly did, but sometimes the visits felt disingenuous and they rubbed you the wrong way at times, yet you still felt the thrill of their visits.

Everyone would always spend their morning rushing around to make sure the village looked more presentable than usual and everyone was lively with chatter about their chances to interact with one of the royals.

You had only seen one visit so far, due to illness you had been rendered bedridden for the last one and the one before that you had managed to meet Prince Thor but that was many years go when you were both but children.

There was an exciting buzz in the air as you watched people pace backwards and forwards from your bedroom window, each caught up in their own task of making their gardens, selling stalls or streets as clean and tidy as possible.

Gents were wearing their best robes and ladies their best dresses, everyone looked well done up and elegant as most Asgardians tended to.

There was always something undeniably pulling about Asgardians, you had never come across one who wasn't in some way gorgeous and this always made you feel a little self conscious about going out in public.

Almost all women in the village were beautiful in their own way, many with shining and glaringly blonde hair, more with perfect and unblemished skin and most of them were athletic and fit.

Each and every person was somehow amazing and you couldn't help but compare yourself, despite how often doing just that would upset you.

You weren't self conscious to a fault, but you were definitely aware of your faults compared to those around you and it would at times get you down.

As you'd thought many times, everyone was beautiful in their own way and you just hadn't figured your way out yet.

Your hair wasn't done up in some fancy hairstyle, but it was something you were more than content to have.

Your skin was rarely blemished, a spot here or there like most people suffered from but not anything that was enough to make anyone give a mere second glance even during your worst of outbreaks.

It seemed that the main difference between you and most of the others was your build.

There were many people of varying heights and sizes around your village, but in your mind it almost seemed like everyone around your age was tall and lithe and only the elders were a bit shorter and more rotund, which was closer to where you fell in size.

This hadn't ever been an issue until the people around you had started courting, your friends and tutoring peers were beginning to take notice of one another and as you watched on it always felt as if no one was paying you any mind.

It wasn't something that got you down often, you were more than content to be left alone to your own devices and being alone meant you could be a little more selfish with the money you earned from your own baked good stall.

Sometimes, however, your mind would linger to what being that special someone would feel like and you'd long to find your destined one, if he or she were out there at all.

You heard your name being called from downstairs and stepped away from the window, knowing that it was time to start preparing the day's goods with your mother.

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