The Devil's Waterfall - Request

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Loki pushed the door open and poked his head inside, glancing around the room to make sure the coast was clear so he could step in safely.

The bag that rested in the crook of his left arm rustled as he moved to close the door, the contents inside jostling a little.

"Are you home?" He called out experimentally.

From the living room he heard a low groan and huffed out a laugh.

"I take that as a yes."

He walked towards the room and glanced inside the bag, worrying that his supply would be insufficient.

Loki found you exactly where he'd left you, curled up in the corner of the settee with your arms wrapped around yourself as you stared at the TV that was playing some Midgardian film he had only heard of because of your infatuation with an actor who starred in it.

"I come with peace offerings," he smiled, holding up the bag.

"What?" You asked, pausing the film.

"Peace offerings," Loki repeated, opening the bag and looking inside, "I've got sweets, drinks, cake and some other bits and pieces that I know you like."

You smiled and shifted a little to sit up, wincing as another horrible cramp ran through your waist and tightened the muscles in a painful spasm.

"That's really lovely of you," Loki grinned at the compliment as you continued, "but why are they 'peace offerings'?"

"Oh, that," he sighed and sat down beside your legs, "I was worried that I'd upset you earlier, you did snap quite badly."

You frowned a little and sighed, curling up again.

"I know, I'm sorry, that wasn't your fault."

"Then what was it?"

"It's because my hormones are haywire, it's that time, you know."

Loki raised his eyebrow and shook his head.

"Know what?"

"The Devil's Waterfall?"

At Loki's confused look you gave another sigh.

"The Red Niagara?"

"I'm not following."

"I'm on my period, Loki."

His eyes widened a little as his face lit up in recognition.

"Oh, right, now I understand."

"Are you sure?"

"In a way, it's not something I personally have experienced," he shrugged, standing up and beginning to empty the contents of the bag onto the table in front of you, "even during my time as a woman."

You nodded slowly, watching as the pile of your favourites treats continued to grow as he pulled out packet and bottle after packet and bottle from the apparently bottomless bag.

"You never had a period?"

"No," he paused for a moment and looked at you over his shoulder, his head cocked to one side, "I'm not sure God's have periods, instead we seem to be blessed with heightened fertility rates."

"And libidos with questionable fidelity morals if you listen to the mythology."

"Which we don't," he murmured in a monotone, his face instantly going dark.

You let out a hard laugh then groaned, wrapping your arms tighter around your stomach once again and curling even further into yourself as your cramping gut tugged harshly.

Though this position didn't do much favour for your back, which had a continuous dull ache that refused to shift no matter what position you could manage to contort yourself into.

"Don't make me laugh," you whined.

"To be fair, you made yourself laugh, but I shall be kind and agree to try and hold my natural gift of comedy until you feel better."

"Much appreciated."

Loki crumbled up the bag as he finished and looked down at you, his face soft with some form of sympathy.

"I understand that you're in a lot of pain, however, so how about I grab you some painkillers, some heating pads and a blanket?"

"Aw, you'd do that?"

"Of course, and if you're extra good I'll even make us some soup."

"Now you're just spoiling me."

"I try."

He chuckled and then left for the kitchen, his mind mapping out which tasks to prepare first so that things would be done quickly and efficiently as to not keep you waiting too long for your much needed relief.

Things had just about come into a settled order and he was grabbing cans and bread from the cupboard when he heard a sneeze from the other room, followed by a grossed-out moan of; "Ew."

'I guess I'll add 'clean underwear' to the list as well.'

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