And I Love, Animal - Werewolf Loki - Part Four

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The trek through the forest was long and disorientating.

Your heightened senses picked up things you wouldn't usually notice, your eyes seeing in a strangely foggy but at the same time clear way and your ears pricking at every sound that occurred around you.

The most distracting thing was the scent that you were following down a deep path, one you had never seen and that had clearly been created over many years and also one, you guessed, that was solely a werewolf thing to use.

The trail that you were following was one of the most intoxicating scents you had ever smelt in your life and it was leading further down the path and getting stronger by the second.

The smell was domineering and masculine, nothing beyond addictive and had you practically salivating whilst being weak at the knees.

Your new large paws snapped twigs loudly as you went past, your new pointed ears twitching at each crunch that sounded as if it was being snapped right beside you as opposed to beneath you.

You'd lost track of how long you had been walking, the overbearing new senses and adjustments to your body took precedence over the time of travelling, but the sun was beginning to rise and light was very slowly beginning to seep over the forest.

Never before had you been this deep in, choosing instead on keeping the peace between you and the werewolves without a territory war when you were still human was vital.

And now you were welcome, now you could learn what happened amongst the trees and with that came a strange sense of freedom.

Somehow you had managed to stumble, clumsily due to the shape of your new form, far enough into the forest to reach a clearing where the scent was the strongest.

The clearing was a large circle with thick, black trees surrounding it completely and making it hard to tell which way was which.

Broken trees and twigs lay around in the thick grass and on the stump of an old tree just ahead of you sat Loki, his legs splayed open as he leant back on his hands, watching you with intense blue eyes that almost seemed to be glowing.

Your own adjusted eyes could see that he was still partially shifted, but mostly human by this point.

His black hair was wild and unbrushed and you could see the tips of his still canine ears poking out from the strands.

Long black claws still jutted out over is fingertips as he drummed them on the edges of the wood and as he smiled, you could see that his teeth were still mostly pointed and long, proud fangs hung down past the others.

Despite his unexpected transformation in your home, which probably led to any clothes he had on being torn apart, Loki was back to wearing his black trousers and long coat, keeping the latter open so his pale chest was still on display.

"So you did come," he drawled, a smirk on his lips.

"Of course I did."

"Excellent, then we can discuss the conditions to this relationship."

"Which relationship would that be?"

"Ours of course," Loki replied with a slight roll of his eyes, "in which we can start our own pack."

Your eyes widened as you stepped back a little, though despite the slight shock at his bluntness your stomach fluttered and heart jolted.

A new pack, one you can help create with Loki.

"I'm not sure," you mumbled, looking anywhere but him.

"Oh, but I am," he chuckled, a deep rumble coming from his throat. "I'm the alpha and you still have a warm home we can use to raise little ones, it's practically instinct now anyway."

Your eyes finally found him again, though you remained silent as you stared.

"Come on," Loki continued whilst standing from his makeshift seat, behind him you could see a slick, black furred tail swaying from side to side. "You can't tell me you didn't feel it, obviously you did otherwise you wouldn't have sought me out."

"I found you as it's my duty to make sure all the wolves here are safe."

Loki watched you silently, though his widening grin told you all you needed to know.

"Sure, that's all."

"You can't be thinking of a pack already," you commented in a weaker voice than you'd wanted.

"Perhaps not straight away, but as you were so delightfully informing me over dinner the wolves are dwindling out and need to keep their numbers up," Loki stopped in front of you and leaned down to your level, making sure you were face to face before continuing, "and you can't tell me that you didn't get a little buzzed at the thought just now."

Part of you wanted to back away and give yourself a bit of space to breathe, but the louder half of you screamed to stay put and relish in the closeness of the man in front of you, to let his dominant scent wash over you.

Thus you found yourself unable to move, instead your eyes slowly fluttered shut as your head felt a little woozy.

"Imagine it, you can be the carrier of the child from not only a new alpha but also a God."

The tone in his voice made you squirm on the spot a little, the arrogance and confidence mixed into something enticing.

"Our children would be unmatched."

Having strong children seemed to have become a pleasing thought, the thought of the security of a mate with unbridled power was overriding your senses in a way that would never have happened when you were merely human.

"But why me?" You asked, looking up at him.

As you spoke, you could feel your body shifting as daylight cast further over the forest, your first change had barely lasted a few hours.

"It only seems fair that I pull you into this, I may have been able to shapeshift before but this is entirely new, even to me and it's always nice to have someone to share new experiences with."

You could only nod a little, the discomfort of your bones altering and fur receding back into your skin was too much of a distraction to even logically comprehend what he was saying.

"Besides, I love to see irony unfold and what's more ironic than a protector becoming what they hardly had to protect?"

A groan of pain escaped you as your body jolted a little, your teeth grit together and you dropped your head to your chest, panting a little.

"Tell you what," Loki piped up again, if you had to guess you would say that he liked the sound of his own voice. "I'll let you finish shifting and once you feel that's done, we'll continue this discussion."

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