Like That One Story... - Beauty and the Beast AU - Jotun Loki - Part Three

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The night passed quickly with no disturbances, the wind and rain battered throughout the hours but the noise didn't wake Loki.

He guessed that the long journey had exhausted him more than he has realized, his eyes had closed almost as soon as he had led down.

After being shown to his temporary room by the figure who managed to stay out of sight, he had seen hide nor tail of them.

It was his rumbling stomach that caused him to stir awake, the for food overcoming his need for more sleep.

As the giant shifted in his borrowed bed, a waft of cooked food invaded his senses and overrode them.

Once his brain had finally kicked into gear, Loki noticed that the smell was coming from above him and he promptly turned over and lifted his gaze to find the source.

Despite the morning light, which was struggling to pierce through the thick curtains, the room was as dark as it had been during the night.

His eyes adjusted to the dark enough to be able to make out a silhouette looming over him.

"I brought you some food," they said, their voice still a growl but calmer than a few hours previous.

"Thank you," he replied, his own voice husky from sleep.

"I don't know how good it will be, I haven't cooked for another in a while, or ever really."

"Anything would be appreciated right now."

Loki sat up, resting his back against the headboard that was still coated in years of built up dust and letting the blanket he'd been using to pool below his abdomen and around his hips, showing off his bare chest and the markings upon it.

Though he believed that it was too dark to see anything in detail, Loki felt as if he were being stared at and suspected that their eyes were lingering on him, most likely adjusted to the dark.

At least more adjusted than his sleep laden ones were, although it would make sense for their eyes to be fully adjusted if they truly spent all their time in this condition.

Loki rubbed the sleep from his eyes and shifted his sitting position so that he could eat comfortably.

They stepped forward and leaned down to rest the tray delicately atop his legs.

He watched the silhouette get closer until he could make out their outline a little clearer.

He wasn't sure if perhaps it was a trick of the light, but Loki swore that he could see the outline of what appeared to be a muzzle pushing out the lower half of their face, though he couldn't be entirely sure that it wasn't just a trick of the dim lights.

Almost beyond his control, his hand reached up to brush against what he believed he saw, just to confirm that it was real.

Gently, his fingers connected with something warm and something coated in fur that was soft to the touch.

They let out a startled gasp and pulled away, a growl soon following.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm sorry," he replied, slightly bewildered, "I thought the light was playing a trick on me."

"That doesn't mean you can just do as you wish."

"I know, I acted out of turn and I apologise."

They didn't respond, they merely let out a low growl and stormed towards the door, wrenching it open so hard that Loki was surprised it hadn't come off the hinges before they hastily retreated and let it slam behind them.

He let out a long sigh and rubbed the back of his aching neck, a small bubble of guilt building in his stomach, which also rumbled again to signify that he could make up for it later but right now he needed to eat.

Creating a light source from the magic he'd been learning since he was younger, he created one bright enough that he could comfortably see his food and started to eat.

His mind reeling the entire time.

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