Reborn - Part Two

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She watched out of the window as Loki explored her garden, his blue eyes gazing in childish amazement at every small thing that he could see or touch and learn from.

Though physically he was an adult, he was still mentally very young and they had a long way to go together, she looked forward to seeing what he'd shape up to be in this new life once he was reborn.

She could remember his previous lives, some more pleasant than others.

His first incarnation had been an interesting one and was the personality that most of his other lives that followed after seemed to fall into, within every life that followed, no matter what other fascinations, hobbies and traits Loki gained, there was always that sparkle of mischief within those intelligent eyes.

A new God of Mischief was born to the Norse myths that year and from then on Loki would forever be reborn as that God and it was after that first death that her new job began.

This was the first life he would ever live, a trial run in her eyes and the perfect opportunity to learn just what she would have to play with in the lives she would help to guide with each passing death.

They were both new to their positions, him to being an unofficial God and her being a guide to that particular God's pre-life from here on out.

Watching his first incarnation, that which was more of a fire demon and brother to Odin, burn his own life to the ground had been more than tiring and it worried her to no end about just how this could play out in future endeavours.

The way he smoothed his way with various women, seemed almost impassive towards his own wife and the children she bore him whilst following in the footsteps of every Norse God who seemed unable to keep faithful was a frustration that she vowed to sort out during the next guidance.

Seeing him birthing an eight-legged horse had been a truly disturbing moment to behold.

Throughout the years she had also seen many strange things, one that stuck with her was when he used his shifting abilities to become a unicorn.

Many things about that incarnation got to her, such as his strange relationship with the Enchantress and his turning on his previously conniving, lying and scheming ways all because of some 'Red Skull' person, but the unicorn thing definitely stuck with her for better or for worst.

If truth were to be told, however, she would have said that the one deemed 'Kid Loki' was one of her favourites to watch unfold and she was almost sorry that all good things must come to an end.

Loki's second incarnation proved to be a complicated matter.

The paths and allegiances he chose never ceased to amaze her, it was almost as if this man was built to be anarchic, scheming and self-destructive whilst living within a brooding temperament that only lead towards his own actions wronging him after lengthy battles with Thor, who in this life was his long suffering adoptive brother.

A role that would seem to stick as a common theme in his other lives.

"It was Ragnarok all over again," she sighed in exasperation, her fingers rubbing at her aching eyes.

There were lives of his that she endeared to and ones that she wished to forget, but extended periods of solitude meant that her mind would all too often wander and soon the negative encounters would stir up again.

It was undeniable that Loki was a hard God to understand, which only made it worse when he would work against her to make things as difficult as possible.

There wasn't any possible way to avoid the worst lives he would be born in to, so many had come and gone that even the baddest of eggs would pass through in no time at all, leaving her with scars that he would never remember giving her and leading to her having many grudges that she had to learn to push past in order to do her job.

One of the more awkward incarnations was the one known as 'Lady Loki'.

It was a surprise when the first female body showed up, much like all the others she woke up nude in the field, no idea where she was or what was going on, not a clue of anything in life until she went out to greet her and teach what needed to be done.

To say that a spark of jealousy hadn't swelled in her chest would have been a lie, seeing as he was a handsome man it made sense for the opposite gender to be a beautiful woman, but to be that beautiful seemed unfair to her.

Things got more awkward the older Lady Loki got, she gradually became more flirtatious and attempted to manipulate her guide all too often.

Unluckily for Lady Loki she was used to those kinds of games and Loki's advances did nothing for her, instead she'd turn motherly and turned all events into some form of a learning curve.


Loki's excited voice pulled her out of her thoughts and drew her attention back outside into the garden where Loki stood in a long green tunic and black bottoms.

He was grinning widely and his blue eyes sparkled with excitement as he held out his hand, which had a delicate butterfly resting on top.

Were he not mentally about five she would have admitted that this manifestation of Loki was remarkably handsome with his black hair complimenting his skin tone and eye colour, he was also tall and well built.

Although at the moment he was caked in mud from playing out in the garden.

She knew that by the time she was done with him, he would prove to be an intelligent young man and her chest ached knowing that in mere months she would have to let him go and live his new life.

A part of her dreaded what surprises this life would have in store for him, but she'd be watching over all the while as he grew up into the handsome man she was helping to shape him to be.

Selfishly she wanted to keep this manifestation all to herself, she didn't want him to move on and find love, doomed to never remember the one who helped shape who he would be.

"Look!" He called again, elongating the word like the child he thought he was.

She let out a laugh and shook her head, "I saw it, sweetie, it's very pretty."

He only smiled and let out a small childish giggle at finally having her attention, a sound that was peculiar but endearing coming from someone who looked to be in his thirties.

"You have five more minutes before it's time to wash up for food."

Loki yelled back a cheerful; "Okay!" as she pushed away from the windowsill and walked to the kitchen, pushing away the sadness that had started to overcome her.

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