Business as Usual - Part Two

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The day ended up flying by, hours passed like minutes and although I got a lot done, it felt like I had barely any time to make my decision about going with Loki.

There were many reasons for me to go, it would be an experience unlike any I've ever had, rubbing elbows with masses of rich and famous people all the while eating and drinking the finest things I would have seen in my life, maybe I'd get lucky and catch the eye of a particular actor I liked who I knew was going there and was said to be single.

On the flipside, however, there were more reasons for me not to go.

Due to all the said famous people, I would stick out terribly amongst them, being the plain Jane that I am there was no way that I could fit in with such luxurious people, they would look like Goddesses while I looked like a pig in twine and make-up.

The thought of facing photos of myself beyond my control frightened me and caused my insecurities to spike, not to mention that I didn't know the etiquette of such functions beyond basic politeness.

I would stand out terribly, like a pig in a chickencoop and there was no way in hell I'd manage to succeed in my fantasies of hooking up with someone completely out of my league.

"So, have you decided?"

I jumped and let out a small squeak of shock.

I hadn't realized just how lost in my own world I'd been, just staring at the wall in front of me with my fingers hovering over the keys of my computer, until Loki had leaned down on my desk.

"I'm sorry," I said, shaking my head to clear my mind, "pardon?"

"I asked if you had decided," he chuckled.

"Oh, no, not really."

"Well, then I guess you'll be coming."

I stared up at him and that coy smirk that made him somehow more handsome, my own jaw hanging open in utter shock.

"Um, what?"

"We don't have time to dawdle," he stood up straight and crossed his arms, "we have a spare ticket to use and I highly doubt you've had time to call around and ask any clients if they are free, so here we are."

"You may have a point," I agreed slowly, "but I don't have the clothes for it."

"Not to worry, we'll leave early and get you made over."

"I can't aff-"

"Please, stop putting spanners in the works," Loki sighed in exasperation.

I chewed on my lip, which was beginning to hurt by how often I had been doing that all day but nodded slowly in agreement.

"Okay, I won't argue."

"Good, we will leave in one hour."

He stepped around my desk and into his office, not giving me a chance to make any kind of retort.

Once his door had closed behind him, I sat back and continued staring at the wall.

Now my choice had basically been made for me, I was a thousand times more nervous than I had been at the mere chance of going.

So many what if scenarios raced through my head that it was beginning to pound and get uncomfortably tight, as if my head was in a vice that continued to tighten.

Looking at the clock caused my heart to jolt.

One hour.

I had one hour to get accustomed to the idea of not only going shopping with my boss, but also the thought of having to try and fit in with people who were of much higher class and standards than me.

My hands shook a little as I leaned towards the computer and typed a search in.

Time to research how to not look like a total mess at large events.

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