Posh Boy - Lokitty - Part Three

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I could tell that Thor was bounding around the garden before I had even reached the picket fence.

From down the road I could hear his loud and baritone bark that shook my bones, I had no doubt that he was bounding around the garden more than likely chasing a bird or a hot air balloon.

Turning to the white fence, I squeeze through a gap and see just as I had thought, Thor was running back and forth around the large garden, his golden shaggy fur bouncing around with each movement as he barked at a butterfly that dared to flutter past him.

His tail wagging madly and his tongue lolled out of the side of his mouth.

"Well someone sure is having fun."

Thor skidded to a halt and looked over, his half turned-down ears twitching as his face broke into the happiest dog-grin I'd ever witnessed.

"Hello stranger," he boomed, running over.

"Hello to you too," I smiled, sitting down and glancing around.

"Loki isn't here," Thor stated, sitting in front of me,

"I know, he's on a 'date' with a friend of mine."

"Oh," Thor tilted his head, a look that even my feline heart found utterly adorable, "how strange."

"Whatever, as long as it keeps him out of my way to see my favourite family."

Thor walked beside me as I made my way up to the front door, not realizing just how much I had missed coming up to this beautiful porch.

I really hoped that lovely lady would come out and see me.

"You do know he likes your company, don't you?"

I looked up at the huge, over-fluffed dog as he sat opposite me, his tail swaying behind him as always.

A scoffed laugh erupts from me and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, he sure acts like it."

"He does."

"Please, Thor, we all know he's happier away from me, in fact he's probably off giving my friends a nice family of black and grey kittens."

"I doubt that, he's not that type."

I give Thor a disbelieving look, which he answers to with a softened and loving smile, as if he were talking about a biological relation rather than an adopted cat bred from the Devil himself.

Closing my eyes, I let out a sigh then gave him a gentle smile of my own.

"I get that you see him as family, but I think you've got it wrong, someone like me wouldn't be up to his ever so refined taste."

"I wouldn't be so hard on him."

"Why not? He strolls in here acting like he owns the place, just because he's of pure blood he thinks he's better than me and has it easy."

"He doesn't really have it easy just because he's pure bred."

"Really?" I asked, looking up at Thor with an expression of uncertainty.

"Really," he sighed sympathetically, "he was taken from his litter early, raised in a cramped home with barely any care."

My heart squeezed as he spoke, the guilt of my harsh words over the days rising as he went on and I hoped that it didn't show on my face.

"He acts like it's nothing, but we know Frigga has changed his life and he's humbler than you'd realize."

"Then why does he treat me like I'm nothing? If he understands then why does he look down on me?"

"I don't think he does, I think if anything he's trying to impress you."

I gave Thor a disbelieving look which made him laugh.

"I know, he has an odd way of showing it."

"To put it lightly," I laughed with him before sighing, "but now I feel bad."

"Then speak to him."

Staring up at Thor's adorable face made it hard to refuse his reasoning, his eyes pleading me as if this would mean the world to him.

It was hard not to get lost in his eye colour, they were such an unusual shade of blue for a Labrador and they always seemed to hold the biggest amount of kindness and loyalty that I had ever witnessed.

He was a wonderful friend who had never steered me wrong and I know that it was something to be valued and never taken for granted.

"Alright," I conceded, "I'll see if I can talk him into not acting like a total jerk."

"I still just think he's trying to impress you."

I rolled my eyes and didn't dignify his cocky look with an answer, instead I turned my attention to the door as footsteps were heard from behind the block of wood, muffled and almost indistinguishable until the door swung open and the lovely lady stepped out.

She welcomed me with her warm smile and for the moment I forgot all about Loki, instead choosing to bask in the warmth of a family I didn't have.

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