Fashion Police Dog - Avengers Academy Loki

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"So, what do you think?"

I look up as Loki steps out of his bedroom and into the small living area I was sitting in, lounging across the green couch they had provided for him with a book in my hands.

My eyes slowly flicker over him, my ear twitching as I reach up to scratch behind it.


Loki glances down at himself before looking back at me, his blue eyes narrowing.

"You hesitated."

"I did," I nod slowly.


I slowly look over his outfit one more time and have to suppress a small grimace.

The white puffball hat that sat high atop of his black hair was accompanied with an equally white seemingly fur coat that was lined with gold, underneath was a gold waistcoat and beneath that was a dark lime green shirt accompanied with a tie of a darker green.

This was all topped off with a pair of sunglasses with frames that matched his shirt and lenses that were yet another shade of darker green.

"You look kind of," I tilt my head, trying to find the right words, "out of place?"

"Out of place?" He scoffed, folding his arms, "I'll have you know that they provide me with some of the best outfits that Midgard could supply me with."

"The best?"



"Of course."

I sigh and set my book down whilst sitting up straight amongst the black cushions, the fur of my tail scuffing against the soft material.

"Do you remember when we were invited to that pool party?"

"Indeed I do."

"And the swimming costume they gave you?"

"It wasn't the most flattering thing I've worn," Loki conceded hesitantly.

"No, and what of the feline form they suggested you took?"

"I'm not sure why they wanted that, but I was happy to fill that request."

"You're always happy to put on a show, but let's face it, you were an ugly human sized cat."

"Now you're just getting insulting."

"Not at all, I believe you're a very handsome man," I shrug, leaning back further into the cushions. "And how about when they made you become Lady Loki?"

He goes silent and stares at me, his expression unreadable as he slowly folds his arms across his chest.

"What exactly is your point behind all of this?"

"You don't find it strange how everyone else gets these amazing, bad ass outfits that are very fitting of a hero academy and yours tend to look like the cheap costumes for a young ones play?"

Loki continues to stare, his eyebrow furrowing a little before he tears his eyes from mine.

"Are you suggesting that they're trying to make a mockery out of me?"

"Perhaps so."

"Me? A Prince of Asgard."

"Loki, you do know that that doesn't hold much weight here, don't you?"

He rolled his eyes and scoffed a little, his face twisting in unhidden denial.

"Well it certainly should."

"It should, but doesn't."

Loki continues to give me a hard stare before his shoulders slowly slumped forward and his eyes drifted to the ground, his face looking defeated and dejected.

"I truly believed that they cared for my status and provided me with the best because of it," he paused and stood up straight once again, his head turned towards the glass door that separated his bedroom and the main living area. "They are truly mocking me, aren't they?"

"I do fear so," I sigh, nodding slowly.

"But why would they mock me? What have I done?"

"I don't know," I shrug a little.

The look of dejection he wore squeezed at my heart, it was unusual to see Loki so disheartened, his usual flair gone and replaced with an expression that didn't fit him in the slightest.

As his eyes were diverted to the floor, Loki failed to notice my rising and flinched a little as I invaded his sight of the ground and hugged him tightly, rubbing his back.

"Loki, you are by far the best dressed here when you wear what you want to, don't let others take away your flair."

I couldn't see his face, but after a moments pause his arms slowly wrapped around me and he rested his head on top of my shoulder whilst letting out a long sigh.

"Thank you, you've always been a great friend."

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