Reborn - Part Four

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Loki's teen years jumped by and within a week and a half he was mentally an adult, caught up with his physical age and ready to move on.

The days were dwindling by faster and soon she would be left alone again, she tried to deny the pit in her stomach that was open like a gaping hole but that was proving too difficult.

Her appetite dwindled and her energy drained quicker, at times she found she didn't want to socialise but Loki would encourage her to in the hopes of raising her spirits.

He'd taken to accompanying her on longer walks where they could converse and share thoughts, she smiled easily with him during these times and it seemed like they elevated her mood.

At least until they returned home, then she would go back to being withdrawn.

To begin with, Loki wasn't entirely sure if it was a good idea to try and draw her out, just in case she was purposefully distancing herself from him, which was the conclusion he came to.

But even in the small house, which would feel cramped if only a single other person joined them, he felt lonely and sought after her company.

For selfish reasons, Loki would initiate conversation that she evidently didn't want to indulge in but did out of politeness at his efforts.

He was watching her make their evening meal when an unignorable urge overtook him.

It wasn't the first time he had felt it, that nagging feeling in the back of his head that made him want to be close to her, to hold her tightly and never let go.

Loki remembered late nights of hormone rushes where he'd been led in bed, his mind creating lewd images that led to him testing the waters of self-pleasure for what he knew to be the first time.

When he finally decided to act on his desire, her back was turned to him as she cut up vegetables for the broth she was making.

It appeared that she didn't notice as he slowly made his way through the small kitchen, past the tall centre table they would eat at and stood directly behind her.

He found himself hesitating, his mind telling him that it was best if he stepped back before she noticed and if she did before he could act then it was best for him to pretend that he was there for an alternate reason.

Loki's mind lost the battle as his body seemed to take over and he tentatively placed his hands on her hips, which caused her to let out a small yell of surprise and jump at the sudden contact.

She glanced over her shoulder and down at her left hip before tilting her head to look up at him, offering a smile.

"Can I help you?" She asked, turning her attention back to the celery sticks she was cutting up and dropping into the boiling beef broth to their right.

"No," Loki hummed in response, letting his hands slide further around her waist, "I just got lonely."

"Oh, that's a fair enough point."

Loki hunched over and rested his chin on her shoulder, watching as she skinned and diced up some other ingredients to add to the mixture that already smelled divine.

She felt her tension ease away as they stood like that, it was strange to her but she felt anew, like she never had before.

For the first time in as long as she could remember, she felt wanted, perhaps even needed in a way that was more than as a student and mentor.

There was something almost domestic about the situation, how comfortable their silence was despite the closeness being new to them both.

It felt somehow right.

The evening passed much in the same atmosphere.

They ate together as always, but the conversation that flowed was more light-hearted and somehow seemed a little flirtatious, almost like a married couple who would tease each other from across the table.

After that they cleaned up all the crockery, cutlery and counters, homemade food was a delicious luxury but the cleaning up part always seemed to take the longest but they made it fly by with more banter and smiles.

They spent the rest of the time reading, as typical, though both found it hard to concentrate on their books that night as they stole glances and shy laughs when one caught the other peeking.

Soon they had wordlessly moved to the middle of the couch and leant against each other, the contact seeming to make it easier to concentrate on their individual stories until the light brushing of fingers against arms, hips and thighs became a distraction in and of itself.

It astounded both of them how quickly it shifted.

How one minutes they were sat shoulder to shoulder, books in hand in front of a warm and crackling fire and the next their books were discarded, long forgotten on the floor as their lips met feverishly and their hands explored each other.

Beyond the stories she had read, she hadn't indulged in anything that seemed to be considered romance and the thrill of their actions made her heart pound rapidly in her chest.

There was something almost surreal about what was happening.

The foreign feeling of kissing, lips locking desperately until they broke apart and they mocked on to kissing, nipping and sucking on sensitive skin.

Allowing another's hands to roam over her, to grope and prod at her body experimentally was exciting and taught her sensations she'd never experienced before, the touch of another creating feelings that could never be self-inflicted.

Loki revelled in allowing her to strip him in return, his arousal making him partly impatient but his excitement at the situation at hand giving him that little spike of anticipation that made him wait.

Once they were both free of clothes, every piece removed and dropped carelessly on the floor beside the couch, their eyes roved over each other, taking in every bump, blemish and detail.

Her eyes lingered on his now fully exposed crotch and her adrenaline waned ever so slightly, the fear of it hurting springing to mind and causing her to hesitate.

Loki moved closer and gently placed his fingers under her chin, making her tip her head so that their eyes could meet.

As they stared at each other, a silent agreement passed between them and they closed the remaining gap between them.

That night by the fire was one she would never forget.

A memory for her that would linger and make her smile until a voice spoke up in the back of her head and remind her that Loki would never know of that night.

It was a beautiful and yet painful memory.

Her body tingled pleasantly when she thought of how he had taken her, of the intimacy and pleasure that they had shared together.

But her heart squeezed painfully when she remembered that by the time she had awoken the next morning, he had gone.

(Hey! My 100th official story chapter! I can't believe I made it this far and that I'm still going.

I'm kind of sad to see this one finish honestly.)

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