A Mile in my Shoes - Day Four

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The fourth day of our switch flew by in a flurry of hecticness, meetings I didn't understand with people I didn't know and tea sessions with Frigga, who had passed me written notes on the important parts of the meeting so that I could hand them to Loki and then had eagerly started to give me small doses of training on Loki's magic.

"I don't understand why," I had laughed, watching a hypnotizing green mist seep from my fingertips, "this is only temporary."

"Perhaps," she smiled in return, "but you never know when this may happen again and it never hurts to learn."

I felt that there were ulterior motives behind her thinking but decided that it would be rude to accuse and question a woman such as herself, she was painfully wise and her seiðr could be revealing all kinds of things about me that helped her with her judgement.

After that brief meeting, Thor pulled me away to have some 'brother' time and we sat down with some, admittedly getting better, Asgardian mead while he started to regale me with more stories about Loki when he was younger.

Some embarrassing, some heroic, all hilarious with the way he was telling them.

All in all, it was a pleasant day.

Back at home, Loki's day had gone by just as pleasantly.

A lot of the symptoms he had felt over the last two days had faded.

There'd only been minor mood swings and the quick to annoyance hadn't been an issue, no cramps squeezed at his waist and the bra he was wearing wasn't causing any irritation to his chest.

The only stand out thing was a persistent dull ache in his lower back, but other than that he felt right as rain.

Loki had work again that day, but spent most of it talking with the girl he was on shift with and found a strange comfort in knowing that everyone who worked in the shop were close and could talk to one another openly, like a little home away from home.

It was nice knowing that his girlfriend had people she could talk to beyond himself.

That wasn't to say she didn't have any friends, she did, but most were long distance and busy with their own lives so she rarely went out unless it was with him or if she needed to go to town for something.

"So how are things with Loki?"

"Oh, great, thanks," he smiled.

"Good, I'm glad that you've finally found someone, I still think it's sweet how you met in the shop."

"Yes, life certainly took an unexpected turn."

"And it's been what? Three years?"

"Something like that."

She raised her eyebrows and smiles suggestively, though Loki knew by this point that suggestive to this girl wasn't anything promiscuous or intimacy related.

"So, any signs of a proposal yet?"

Loki froze for a second, genuinely speechless for one of the first times in his life.

Truthfully, he'd never given it a thought, he'd been content living just as a general couple and the thought of marriage hadn't sprung up.

For the rest of the day, he got lost in his own world imagining various futures for us and started to consider just what he wanted out of this life.

"Would you ever want to marry me?"

I looked down at him tiredly, struggling to keep my eyes open as we lay in bed.

There's a short pause as I consider the out of nowhere suggestion, then I shrugged and smiled.

"Of course."

"But why?" He frowned, looking up at me, "I'm a monster to many, a nuisance to others and an outcast to all."

"To all but me, Loki and your family does love you."

He scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"My mother, perhaps."

"And Thor, you know he does too."

Loki shrugged a little, wrinkling his nose in obviously denial of the truth.

I shook my head and rolled over, reaching across the bed to the bed stand to turn the lamp off.

"You're so dramatic, any woman would be lucky to marry you."

"Does that really count when it's not currently coming from a woman?" He laughed.

"I'm still a woman on the inside, Loki, so yes, having a dick between my legs doesn't make me any less of a woman."

He huffed and smacked my hip with the back of his hand.

"Fine, you win by technicality."

I grinned, though he couldn't see it in the darkness of the room and moved back to face him and wrap my arms around his waist, pulling his back against my chest.

"I just thought I might."

"Of course you did, because you're a know it all."

"I think that's an infection that comes from inhabiting your body."

Silence fell over us before Loki let out a snort of a laugh.

"Okay, you got me with that one."

"Wow," I gasped, rubbing circles over his thigh, "I got one over on the great silver-tongued God?"

"Don't get used to it," he mumbled, sleep already starting to take over.

"I won't, but I'll definitely mark it down on the calendar."

He let out a small, tired hum and was asleep before I could blink.

"Wish I could fall asleep that easily," I mumbled, carefully sliding my hand out from its beneath his hip.

Rolling onto my back, I stared towards the ceiling with my hands resting on my stomach.

It was strange just how accustomed to being Loki I had become in only a few days.

Everything felt like second nature by this point and sometimes I could feel his emotions or have Loki-exclusive thoughts that would take me by surprise.

In truth, it kind of frightened me.

If this was what I was experiencing, then it was likely that he was having the same thing.

Sure, he had the ability to shift, but taking someone else's form and actually inhabiting their body were two completely different things and apparently came with side effects that hadn't been accounted for.

What if after all this we didn't wish to return to our original selves?

What if we got so accustomed to being one another that we started to believe we were actually the other and things got complicated?

I rolled my eyes and slapped my cheek, trying to smack some sense into myself.

"You're worrying about nothing," I said to myself, rolling onto my other side while yawning. "It won't be like that, stop fretting, you idiot."

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