Your Disney Princess - Part Four

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Things went as they said, surprisingly smoothly as well.

Despite the reprimanding from Tony had put a damper over the rest of our mini-vacation and the drive home was in considerably lower spirits than the drive there, Loki spent more of his time staring out of the window looking thoughtful.

Thankfully, after the trip and Peter's bonding, Loki came further out of his shell and became his typically animated and slightly overdramatic self.

Something a fair few people within the headquarter walls didn't enjoy, though it thrilled me.

There was no denying that I found Loki's complex personality just as attractive as his looks, so seeing him being more like the him I had known of, very briefly, before during visits alongside his brother excited me and hit an old crush gradually back into place.

A few weeks after we got home, he threw himself into proving that he was more than what past events had painted him to be and showing that he could be a valuable asset to the ever-expanding group of super people.

It was no surprise that Loki focused intensely on doing just as he said he would, as he was well known for going all out for things that he had a passion for and it seemed that he was more enthusiastic about having something to focus on than we could have given him credit for, but he needed something to do as a human that wasn't just reading.

Unfortunately, as a consequence of going behind Tony's back, he had taken Loki from under my scheduling duty and had made sure to keep us separated as best as he could, which mostly meant keeping me as busy as he could and thus, I missed most of Loki's progress into becoming an official Avenger.

Should that ever happen.

Loki tried to make time between his recompensing to visit me, but it proved few and far between compared to how it had been previously thanks to our conflicting schedules.

Though, perhaps it was for the best.

As a particular conversation with Peter a few months down the line proved to be an eye opener.

"So, you're saying I'm a distraction?"

"I'm not, but those are the words I overheard Mr. Stark using when they were talking about you."

"They being who exactly?"

"Him and Loki, you see Loki went to him to ask about having you back to control his schedule, but he got shot down and told that you would be too much of a distraction and we're all still in the doghouse."

"That sounds about right," I rolled my eyes.

There's a short pause of silence before Peter gives me a friendly smile.

"Loki really likes you."

"Good," I nodded, smiling back at him, "because I really like Loki."

That conversation helped in someway and in others not so much.

There was comfort in the fact that my feelings were as reciprocated as I had thought they were, but it was also a damper on the situation as we couldn't spend enough time together in the hopes of growing a potential relationship.

Months flew by quickly in a flurry of work and missions and before I knew it, two years had passed since the trip to Disney.

Loki and I had tried to spend time together, finding moments here or there to talk and catch up, most of these times being holidays where everyone had a chance to unwind for a short while before business bloomed again.

It seemed as though his attempts to prove he was useful to the Avengers had proven to be too successful, his time being used up to give intel, create plans and use his skillful trickery during missions, which he had since been allowed to go on as a spy akin to Natasha, only without the sexy, ass-hugging outfit.


There had been a few instances where we'd managed to sneak away for a while, only for his phone to ring in an emergency that needed him to get suited up and aid in saving the world.

While that always sucked, it was nice to know that he was making a difference and seemed to be enjoying it, whether it interrupted with our slowly progressing relationship or not.

Loki was happy and that was what mattered, even if I wished to have one meal with him where he didn't have to leave early and we could actually manage get to dessert and perhaps to a point of at least holding hands.

I'd also noted that he'd perked up recently, an excited stride in his gait about something he didn't wish to tell me about.

I had my suspicions, especially when I noticed some of the missions he had been sent on after this sudden bought of childlike wonder, but nothing was ever confirmed nor denied as I wasn't entirely sure who to ask.

I'd been thinking all this over one night while staring at a book I was attempting to read, none of the words were settling in as my mind jumped back and forth with teasing imaginings of us finally having some alone time, which naturally turned into more lustful ones that I had to try and shake away.

"Someone seems to be deep in thought."

I looked up as Loki walked over, a cup in each hand which he set down on the coffee table before taking a seat beside me.

"Do I?"

"Undeniably, or that single page has a compelling passage that you can't move on from."

I glanced back down at the page then sighed, setting the bookmark inside before closing the book with a thump and setting it to one side.

"I guess I am deep in thought."

"Do you want to share with the rest of us?" Loki asked, reaching over to pick up a cup and carefully handing it to me.

My fingers wrapped around the warm ceramic and I leaned back in my seat, letting out a long breath.

"About us."


"Yes, us or at least the us I want there to be, but we never get to succeed in."

Loki sighed softly and reached over, placing his hand on my knee and giving it a comforting squeeze.

"I suppose we haven't gotten very far have we? Foolishly, as we both know that our feelings are mutual."

"Exactly," I frowned, tapping the nails of one hand against the cup, "we've tried over the last couple of years but we never get anywhere, you're usually off on missions and I'm eyes deep in Pepper's appointments as her workload grows."

"We'll get a chance to push this further, at least kiss a little."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "Oh really? And when is that? In another two years?"

"No," Loki shook his head as his lips quirked, "in two weeks."


He smirked and picked up his own cup, taking a languidly slow sip to drag out the moment.

"Loki," I whined, pouting childishly.

He chuckled and lowered his cup, licking his lips before finally meeting my urging eyes.

"I have requested a week off in a fortnights time, I also managed to sway your boss into letting you have that time off also and I am taking you somewhere."

"Oh really?" I said, unable to stop a wise smile from rising, "and where are we going?"

"You'll see," he smiled widely, taking my hand as his own glowed a stunning emerald green, "it's somewhere almost as magical as I am."

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