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(Author Note: The entire premise of this chapter comes from the traditional thought of; "Once you become a God, you can go no higher and will always be that God in each life hereafter."

This is just my little take on it. There may be a sequel, I haven't yet decided.)

He wasn't sure what was happening around him.

All he knew was that he was naked and hungry and that was more than enough to finally get him moving from where he had woken up moments before.

The plush grass that he was led on top of tickled his skin as he moved, causing him to let out a small involuntary laugh.

This was the first time he heard his voice.

It was a strangely pleasant sound, something about the tone appeased him and made him feel giddy.

With a wide smile, he ungracefully heaved himself up onto his new legs, swaying a little as he adjusted to standing, the grass feeling scratchy and yet still soft beneath his feet.

He looked down as he swayed to assess the body he found himself in, as he tilted his head strands of black hair fell into his face, a beautiful dark contrast in comparison to the paleness of his skin.

Lifting his hands, he looked them over and followed the length of one of his arm with his eyes until they reached his shoulder and attempting to look further became uncomfortable.

Experimentally, he lowered his hands once again and began to feel over the length of his body as a means to get accustomed to the bumps and peculiarities of the body he would now control until his death.

Once his curiosity was sated and he stood steadily at his full height, he slowly looked around him and took in the expanse of his surroundings, to his right and behind him the field seemed never ending, green continued on and became large hills far off in the distance.

To his left, perhaps only twenty feet away, the green ended abruptly at the side of a steep cliff that looked over a vast array of blue, a sea that stood out wonderfully against the lighter colour of the sky.

He didn't yet have the words to describe the sight before him, but it took his breath away.

Another couple of feet ahead of him stood a single building, the brickwork was white and the wooden frames around the home were black which made the lone building stand out elegantly from amongst the vast greens and blues of its surroundings.

In the front was a small garden that was fenced off with dark wood from the rest of the field, as if marking its territory in case anyone would stumble upon it in the middle of nowhere.

A sudden breeze blew up and chilled his bare skin, causing him to shudder and wrap his arms around himself as a form of protection.

The wind picked up a few strands of his hair and caused it to flick into his face, which was accompanied with a faint sting when the ends caught the skin in a particular point.

As there was nowhere else to go, he took a few lumbering steps towards the home in hopes of finding accommodation, shelter and protection from this new world he knew nothing about.

There were no words to spur him on as he knew none, there were no cohesive thoughts over the dangers of what he was doing as he didn't understand neither the dangers nor his actions, it was all instinct and need that told him that he had to go there.

Drawing nearer to the building, which felt like it took an age at his unsteady pace, showcased just how beautiful the flowers in the garden were and something was telling him to reach out and touch each and every one of them.

Feel the colourful petals, smell them, taste them.

The latch to the gate seemed to unhinge by itself and allow it to swing open as if in invitation solely for him, so he stepped inside and came to a stop on the grey stone path amidst the flowerbeds and let his eyes roam over the array of colours and shapes.

As if on cue, the black front door to the house opened and a woman in a long dress stepped into the doorframe with a warm and comforting smile.

He flinched as the gate behind him slammed shut and the startle spurred him to move closer to the welcoming stranger.

She watched from her place in the doorframe as the tall man came ever closer, her kind eyes never leaving his curious ones.

It was time for her to start her job once again and so she held out her hand towards the blank slate of a man in front of her, her smile still one of comfort to show that she only wanted to help and meant him no harm.

Like the comfort of a mother.

Almost beyond his own control, he found his hand placed in hers and instantly relished at the warmth and security it offered him.

As her fingers gently clasped around his palm, she uttered the first words he would hear in this new life.

"Hello, Loki."

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