A Mile in my Shoes - Day Three

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The third day was considerably easier.

I spent my day with Frigga, trailing her as she attended her duties and helping her where I could all while having pleasant conversations, a preferred difference from the annoying company of the day before.

Thankfully, it seemed that Loki's muscle memory was kicking in and I found certain tasks easier to perform and I worked considerably faster than previously.

Of course she knew of the situation and didn't really comment on it beyond asking how I was coping.

All in all, it was a good day.

At least, for me it was.

I was sat peacefully on the couch, my long legs crossed with loose threads sat on one side and the pattern I was working on by the other knee as I placed stitches into the right places on the fabric.

It became less peaceful when the door opened and Loki stepped inside, grumbling to himself.

"Bad day?" I asked as he walked inside, kicking off my flat shoes and dropping my bag onto the floor.

"Don't even ask," he huffed, carefully crossing his arms over his chest.

"Okay," I shrugged.

It was Loki's first day at my job and first time dealing with people while suffering with PMS.

Before we'd gone our separate ways that morning, I had written down the codes and passwords that he would need and given him a basic overview of what the job entailed, though he was smart enough to pick up on it easily enough.

He'd gone in early that morning to get acquainted with the till system and the layout of our shop, which would be a temporary second home for eight hours of the next few days for him.

"I just don't get how you put up with serving these people with a smile."

"I kind of have to if I want to keep my job."

"I can't understand how you manage it, they can be so stupid."

"I know," I laughed, placing another stitch into the pattern, "what happened?"

"Everything happened, nothing worked, the passwords you gave me didn't work until they magically decided that they would, delivery was super late to the point we only just managed to book it in and customers don't know their head from their ass and then act like I'm the idiot leading them wrong because they obviously have everything right, that's why they can't find the item they're looking for."

I nodded in understanding, threading the needle into one of the holes to hold it in place before setting the fabric and hoop to one side.

"Annoying, aren't they?"

"Yes, very much so and I thought I understood why you got so tired before, now I get that it's mentally draining more than anything."

"It is, be glad you aren't working over Christmas."

"Speaking of," he looked at me, his eyes half lidded, "calendars have started to arrive."

"Oh, fucking hell, I swear they come earlier every year."

"That's exactly what your co-worker said," Loki laughed.

I laughed with him then looked him over, offering a soft smile.

"How about you go and have a long soak while I run out and get you some chocolate fudge cake? Maybe even some hot chocolate."

Loki pulled his lips to one side as if in contemplation then looked at me, obviously trying to hide a smile that wanted to emerge.

"The white kind?"

"As if my body would ask for anything other than white chocolate at a time like this."

Instinctively, without even pausing to think, I leaned over and pressed a quick kiss to his borrowed lips and got up, grabbing my bag from where he'd discarded it on the floor and pulled out my purse to slip my bank card out.

"I'll be back before you know it."

I was out of the door and slipping into the driver's seat before I realized what I had done.

It was all so second nature and I hadn't even taken into account that I was, by all means, kissing myself.

Replaying the moment, my stomach flittered as it had done two days prior and I had a distinct proud feeling from comforting my 'girlfriend' and being a good 'boyfriend'.

"This is too weird," I mumbled to myself, shaking my head and putting the key into the ignition.

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