A True Trickster - Part Two - Supernatural/Marvel Crossover

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(Whoop it's a filler episode folks!

Still a request by Chloe925, but I couldn't put it in the damn title. Thanks Wattpad. Title too long my ass.)

Loki proved to be an amazing helper on your case, even if you hadn't exactly found a way to 'sweeten the deal', as he had put it.

Instead you owed him a favour and you knew that that was going to cause nothing but trouble in the future, but for the present you had a case to focus on lest more people die on your watch.

After ordering some food in for yourself, the jam tarts grew a little boring after a while, you both sat around the table and devised a plan on how to deal with his past self's renegade children.

Sleipnir would probably be the easiest, at least according to Loki, as he was merely a beast acting on instinct in unfamiliar surroundings.

Hela would be easy enough, she mostly sought-after validation after spending so much time feeling as if she weren't loved.

"And the snake?" You asked, biting into your food.

"I have someone I can call in for that," he chuckled, "you could say they are old enemies."

"Let me guess, Thor?"

"Yes, my brother."


Loki regarded you with a look of pure confusion for a minute before realisation flashed in his eyes and he let out a huffed laugh, nodding.

"Yes, in this lifetime Thor is my brother, adoptive brother."

"I see and you think he'll help us fight Jorg?"

"I'm more than certain he will, what with his hero complex."

"Sounds a lot like Dean," you laughed.

"Who would that be?"

"An old hunting friend, he travels around with his brother Sam," you smiled fondly, staring at your food.

Loki took in your expression and the way you seemed to be off in your own pleasant world whilst stabbing your food with the fork.

"You have history with one of them, hm?" He asked curiously.

"We go back a long way, shared a few hunts."

"You know I'm not taking about that kind of history."

The smirk Loki was aiming at you caused you to blush and shake your head profusely.

"I never said that."

"Sometimes you don't have to speak for someone to know."

You gave a nod of agreement and then pretended to be deeply focused on your food.

It was kind of annoying how right Loki was about the fact that you had indeed gotten rather close with one of the Winchester brothers, especially as you had always thought you were rather good at keeping a straight face about such subjects.

Then again, he is the God of mischief and lies, he'd probably know if you were fibbing if you'd denied it.

"So I guess our first move is getting our acquaintances together," you commented, trying to divert the subject.

"That may be ideal."

"Great, you get hold of Thor and I will see if I can get hold of Sam or Dean."

"You think they'll be any help?"

"They're the Winchesters," you smiled, "of course they will."

Loki eyed you sceptically before shrugging and leaning back in his seat.

"Alright, then you call them and I shall focus on summoning my brother, wherever he may be."

"You don't know?"

"He likes to wander and get into fights, he can be hard to keep tabs on him at times."

You nodded, picking up your phone from the table top and flicking through.

"He sounds like a charming guy," you laughed.

"A charm everyone else seems to fall for anyway."

Loki gave you a wry smile then continued his meal.

After you'd both sated your appetites, you set out trying to contact the ones you believed to be best for the job.

Truth be told, you were kind of excited to meet Thor, not that you would tell Loki that as he seemed less than enthused to get him involved.

It was clear from the way he talked about him that he loved his brother, but there was some deep-seated background there that you wondered if you'd ever hear about.

You regrouped after finally managing to get hold of the Winchesters, needless to say that you were relieved to find out that they were at least still alive and as well as a hunter can be during a hunt.

They said that they'd tell you the whole story once they reached your room in a few hours and you were just as eager to share your own, if there was one thing you loved more than hanging out with a Norse God it was hanging out with the brother's, sharing stories over drinks and food.

Loki strutted in thirty minutes after you had sat down with a tall, muscular and grinning blond guy waltzing in behind him.

Your eyebrow slowly rose as you regarded him, a mental wolf-whistle echoing through your mind.

Why did it seem like every man you encountered that was involved in the hunting world was insanely attractive?

"I take it this is..."

"Thor, yes," Loki nodded, his face looking a little grave.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," you smiled, standing up and holding your hand out to him.

"The pleasure is all mine," he beamed, taking your hand and giving it an eager shake.

"Well that's half of our team ready, how about we sit down and get acquainted until the others show up?"

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