Influence - Dad Loki

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Loki watched in distaste as his son ran around the garden, a red cape fastened around his neck as he held up a wooden hammer he'd been given on his birthday.

With a loud battle cry, the boy jumped into the air before haphazardly slamming the hammer down onto the ground, accompanied by his imitation of the sound of thunder crackling from the weapon.

He continued to watch as the boy jumped back up and continued to battle invisible enemies, all the while putting on the best imitation of Thor that he could.

Despite himself, Loki felt his chest lurch a little as he observed his son's behaviour.

His mind began to conjure up images of his son growing up to be a loud, slightly obnoxious warrior who would charge into battle and think of the consequences later.

Thor had his wits about him and could have a strategic mind when he stopped to think, but he was definitely more the type to jump straight into action.

Something he didn't want to be passed on to his own kin.

But he also didn't want to stop his son from enjoying himself with the toy Thor had given him, and so with a resigned sigh he turned back to his book to try and draw his attention away from his concerns.


"But what if he grows up looking up to Thor more than me?"

Loki stared at the ceiling with a deep frown, he was settled underneath the bed sheets but his fingers were drumming on his waist agitatedly as his mind raced once again.

"Why on Midgard would you think that?" I ask, adjusting my nightdress before sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Earlier on, he was so pleased to be acting like my brother with that hammer he got him, I've never seen him playacting as me before."

"So he was enjoying himself, he was only playing and nothing more."

"But what if he wasn't and there's more to it?"

I sigh and turn towards him, the bed sheets shifting beneath me.

"Loki," I sigh, reaching over to place my hand on his, "as he grows up he is going to take influence from everyone around him, today he's Thor, tomorrow he's Odin, the day after he may be Fandral-"


I laugh and shake my head, "I sincerely hope not too, but the point is that even throughout these phases there will always be one constant and that is you, his father."

"I know," Loki mumbled with an expression of resignation, "truly I do, but I can't help but worry that he won't wish to follow in my footsteps, to be the genius in sorcery I know he can be."

"As any father would worry, but I'm certain that no matter who he wishes to be for a few hours, at the end of the day he will always be looking up to his dad."

"I suppose I'm worrying irrationally, I just want someone to look up to me and not my brother for once."

"And he does, but sometimes he'll want to be someone else for just a little while, considering the fact that he was pretending to be Frigga just the other day, there is nothing to fret over."

Loki nodded slowly and let out a sigh as I climbed into bed, just as I settled under the covers he turned to face me with a false pout.

"I hate that you don't let me mope."

"If I let you mope every time you wanted to, you'd never not be moping."

"That's a lie and you know it."

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