Always That One - Request by Vaebae

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He knew immediately.

From the harsh shutting of the door that wasn't quite a slam, to the loud exhale of exasperation that sounded from the hallway, Loki knew that it had been another bad day for you.

Loki was aware of the issues you were having and the less than stellar mood it was putting you in, so he wasn't surprised when he watched your deflated figure shuffle into view and promptly flop onto the couch with all the grace of a hippo doing ballet.

You had just propped yourself up against the side of the couch when the light that spilled in from the other room was darkened, you looked over to find Loki's tall figure taking up the space in the doorway and blocking out most of the light.

"Bad day?" He asked, leaning against the doorframe and folding his arms.

"Isn't it always?" You replied with a roll of your eyes.

"Want to tell me about it?"

"There's not much to tell, same shit, different day."

You watched as Loki walked over and tapped your leg, indicating for you to move so that he could sit down.

In a few swift motions you had managed to shift around, pulling your legs up beneath you so that he could perch on the other end and regard you with sympathetic eyes.

"There's always one who has to ruin it all for the others," he commented.

"It just happens to always be the same girl for me."

"Is that so? Is she becoming a bit of a hassle?"

You nodded and adjusted your position, all but ready to explode into a rant.

"So get this, I was overloaded with tasks the other day, every other thing was piled on top for me to do."

"Genuinely given just to you specifically, or added on top because she refused to help?"

The look you gave him answered his question and he gave an understanding nod, indicating with a movement of his hand for you to continue.

"Things were getting a bit much and all I asked was for her to file this one lot of important paperwork that I had authorised, it's not hard, we have designated areas for specific things that are clearly marked and she was all smiles and cheers, you know," you put on a bright smile and tilted your head from side to side, continuing in a falsetto voice, "'It's fine, I can totally do that, you just focus on what you have to do and I'll sort this out'."

You rolled your eyes and grimaced at your own impression, feeling that it didn't do justice to just how false you knew her to be.

"Alright and then what happened?"

"She 'lost it' somehow, between walking from one end of the room to the other, she lost it."

Loki looked down at you with a blank expression until his eyebrows knitted together, the cogs of his mind clearly turning as he tried to process the information.

"I'm not following."

"Welcome to my world, but of course it was all my fault because I was the one dealing with it and did she come forward to say she was involved? No! Of course not!"

Loki leaned away as you threw your arms up in an exaggerated manner, coming close to hitting him in the face with your wrist.

"That's just the tip of the iceberg, it's like every other thing she does is a move to try and get me into trouble, like she wants me fired but no one sees that she's putting on a nice act."

"She does sound like bit of an irritant, I may be the God of Lies and Mischief, but even I have more dignity than to sink that low."

You couldn't control the wry smile that sprung up, but you didn't want to distract yourself from the subject too much.

"And we haven't even gotten into the volume on that woman, I've never known anything like it."

"Loud people are the worst," he agreed with another nod of his head.

"Loud and rude is the worst combination," you let out a loaded sigh and rested against him, your head setting on his shoulder, "I don't know what it is, if she has something against me personally or is just a total dick in general."

Loki looked down at you and moved his arm so that it was resting over your shoulders.

He didn't like you see you upset and it was proving to become a regular occurrence, too regular for him to continue to ignore.

His hand rubbed the top of your arm as he stared ahead of himself in thought, a comfortable silence settling between you both as you simply basked in his presence and let your eyes slide shut, feeling a little better now that you had at least shared your issue with someone.

"I could kill them."

You pursed your lips to one side and let out a small hum of thought before shaking your head.

"No, don't kill them."

"Too far?"

"No, just far too easy."

"Then I shall make them suffer for you."

"You could maybe maim them a little."

"Egregious bodily harm is not something you should wish upon people," he said with a straight face that he found difficult to hold on to, "no matter how annoying they are."

You pouted your lips and looked up at him.

"Aren't you the one who offered it first? And stabbed Thor?"

"I don't see what that has to do with anything."

A huffed laugh escapes your throat and you shake your head, giving a chaste kiss to his cheek.

"You really are something else."

"I know," he smirked, dipping his head to return a peck to your lips, "I have an idea."

"Oh, I do love it when you have ideas."

"As do I," Loki chuckled, that deep rumble that you loved so much. "How about rather than disposing of her, we make her into your own personal pet?"

You wrinkled your nose, looking up at him with a look of uncertainty.

"I don't know, Loki."

"You don't want a pet? With my magic I can make her anything you want, a dog? A cat? How about a rabbit? They are very silent creatures."

You laughed and pushed away from him, not wanting to give in to the amusement just yet but finding it hard to push it aside and continue to be mad.

Instead you chose to get up, stumbling a little as you adjusted yourself, and headed towards the kitchen.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that and make myself some food," you called back, opening the fridge, "you want some?"

"No, thank you," he also got up and dusted off some imaginary dirt from his suit, "I was actually just about to head out."

"Okay, will you be long?"

"Not at all," he smirked, his eyes roaming over your turned back, "but before I leave, what was her name again?"

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