Posh Boy - Lokitty - Part Four

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(A little author's note:

It has been brought to my attention that I made a mistake in this story about letting dear Labrathor eat the bones of the meat from the chicken.

I'll put my hands up and say that while I knew other bones were likely to shatter, I was never aware that chicken bones were prone to as well, this is all due to my own lack of knowledge and it just seemed like a cute little bit in the story.

I will be keeping that part in the story, but please note to not take pet dietary advice from fanfictions as sometimes the writers are complete idiots, much like yours truly!

Thank you for alerting me.)

I was still on the porch when Loki returned, his face set in a hardened scowl.

The lovely lady had brought out a chicken carcass from their dinner that evening, I got the left-over meat that she could cut off and Thor got the bones with the smaller ones taken out so there was no threat of his choking.

Though by the way he scarfed it down like it was still going to run away, I was surprised he didn't choke either way.

Thor had been brought in shortly before Loki arrived, with the light dwindling from the sky she had called him in for safety, what with the random spouts of dog stealing that had tended to happen on and off every so often.

I didn't lift my head away from my food once I'd noted Loki's presence, I believe that if I ignore him that he would ignore me and we would both go on our merry way without butting heads.

I continued to believe that until he became hard to ignore, sitting in front of the plate I was eating from and invading my vision that wasn't taken by chicken with black.

Still I ignored him, figuring that if I didn't speak to him then he was just going to sit there and try to stare me down, to intimidate me away from the best meal I'd had in three weeks.

That was not going to happen, this chicken was too tender to leave unfinished.

A lingering silence stood between us and my nerves were beginning to get a little jittery.

Thankfully Loki filled the air as he cleared his throat and shifted back a little bit on his haunches.

"Would you mind if I had some?"

There was a pause in my eating and I looked up at him, chewing on the bit of meat that I'd just bitten in to.

In his strangely coloured eyes, that seemed more green than blue this time in the dimming light, there was a look of unspoken amicability and his voice had been soft and unscathing.

I regard him for a few seconds longer then scoot back so I wasn't looming over the plate as I had been, wordlessly indicating that I was fine to share.

Loki shifted a little so that he could lie down comfortably, his paws tucked under him as he leaned forward and picked a piece of chicken that was sat on the edge of the plate.

This was how we stayed until the chicken was gone, Loki finishing off the remaining pieces after I'd had my fill, we led in comfortable and almost friendly silence.

The food was settling comfortably and there was a warmth that seeped out from the house, the combination making my eyes grow heavy as tiredness took over.

I felt my eyes closing and could feel my body beginning to sway as I fought off sleep.

"Thank you."

My eyes darted open again and I looked at Loki, trying to blink away the feeling of lead in my eyelids.

"For what?" I asked, feeling a little embarrassed by the sluggish tone in my voice.

"For sharing your food with me."

"It's fine," I yawned, forcing myself up onto my feet, "it came from your family, it only seems fair."

"Yes, but," he paused and looked away from me, towards a little corner that was tucked between a large houseplant and a glass pane beside the front door, "I haven't been the kindest to you."

"No, we did get off on the wrong foot."

"We did, your friend made it more than clear that you couldn't keep my name out of your mouth for less than stellar reasons."

"Talking like that may be one of the reasons."

He thankfully laughed with me, easing my tension a little further.

"Yes well, she made it clear that I may have been less than welcoming and I wish to apologize."

"What a way to spend a date."

"I may have only wanted it to get some more information on you."

I quirked my head to one side, deciphering what he had just said.

"You could have just asked me personally," I replied slowly.

"I know, but where's the fun in that?"

I rolled my eyes in good nature then shook my head, turning away from him to head down the stairs.

"Where are you going?"

Stopping on the first step, I looked over my shoulder to see that he had sat up a bit and was looking at me with curiosity.

"I'm going to find somewhere warm to sleep tonight."


Taking that as a signal that the conversation was over once again, I continued on my way before he called out again.

"You could stay here."

"Is that so?" I asked, stopping and yet again turning to face him

"Yes," there was a hesitance in his face, his eyes glancing anywhere but me as his brain ticked, "obviously not inside because of Odin," I could hear the eye-roll in his statement, "but the gap over there is quite warm."

He nudged his head towards the space behind the plant that I had been looking at earlier, I had to admit that it was an appealing offer.

It looked comfortable and it was close, so I wouldn't have to drag my weighed down self across town in the hopes of finding a warm unused nest to curl up in for the night, that was more appealing than the thought of spending half my night in the gradually colding weather hoping to get some rest.

After a moment of contemplation, during which Loki merely stared at me curiously, I eventually nodded and walked back up the stairs.

"Thank you."

"You're more than welcome," he smiled.

It took me by surprise how handsome he was when he actually showed kindness, there was naturally an attraction when he was bit of a jerk, but a bad boy with a kind side somehow made my heart melt.

That had caused issues in the past, but Loki somehow felt different.

I walked to the gap and led down to curl up, almost instantly comfortable and tired.

Loki stretched his paws out in front of him and yawned widely before surprising me as he sauntered over and squeezed himself in with me, his head resting on my side.

I wanted to question what he was doing, why he had suddenly shifted his attitude towards me, but chicken-induced sleep won over and my eyes grew too heavy for me to ignore.

(Part five can be found in book two, for this story please click the external link.)

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