Business as Usual - Part Four

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The event had gone phenomenally well.

I didn't stand out as much as I initially believed that I would, in fact once I got into the groove of everything I found that I only felt like I stuck out because I believed I would but no one else batted an eyelid at me being there.

It was an astounding experience, drinking and chatting with the people on the richer side of life was something I wouldn't forget for a long time.

Sure, there were some who thought too highly of themselves, but most seemed really nice and clearly were only there to have a wonderful time celebrating whatever we were there to enjoy.

I'd gotten so lost in the moment that after an hour it didn't really matter why we were there.

Despite all the other distractions happening around me, I still managed to keep track of Loki throughout the night, even when we had split off separately to talk to different people until it was time to sit down together and eat.

Many stunning women went up to him during the night, some making light conversation while others were clearly hoping the night would take a certain turn with him but Loki appeared to let them down each time, smiling politely with no animosity at any point.

To say my jealousy and self-consciousness spiked on occasion throughout the night would have been a lie, at least until I got enough of a buzz to not notice it anymore.

Sadly, I didn't get a chance to meet the actor I wanted to as it seemed that he didn't attend, but Loki more than made up for my disappointment by introducing me to many other acquaintances that he had met over the years.

Fortunately, the toing and froing of the evening meant that I couldn't dwell on what happened in the car and my mind couldn't stretch itself into ridiculous nonsensical conclusions and worries.

This meant that we left in high spirits much later than planned, though I'm sure our minor tipsiness aided in that result.

By the time Loki had led me to the car that was to drive us home, we were tipsy enough to be stumbling and giggling to ourselves with light heads, but not enough to be completely lost to inebriation.

As we settled into the comfy seats of the car, we found ourselves slouching against each other as our laughter settled down into silence beyond the sounds of the world zooming past our vehicle.

"Fancy a detour?" Loki asked after a few minutes to driving, startling me from my steadily dozing state.

"Hm?" I looked up at him, blinking away my bleariness.

"I asked if you fancied a detour," he chuckled, "I'm hungry."

"Oh, yeah," I nodded, sitting up and rubbing my eyes, "some real food would be nice, not fancy famous people food."

Loki laughed then leaned forward in his seat, opening the window that separated us from the driver and muttering in his ear before closing it once again and flopping back into his seat.

"Burgers it is."

"Yay," I smiled, tilting my head back, "I am so getting a large, maybe even two large meals."

We both laughed, but once again silence fell over us both for a short while.

That was when I felt it.

A cold hand pulling the skirt of my dress up, caressing my knee and slowly moving up towards my thigh.

Opening my eyes, I lifted my head and looked at Loki, who was looking at me from the corner of his eye as if he was gauging my reaction.

My brain processed everything slowly, but the alcohol aided my lack of inhibitions and my hand found itself on top of Loki's, gently pulling it higher.

His fingers kneaded at my hot skin and sent pleasant sensations shooting up my leg to my core, making me squeeze my legs together with a short gasp.

He repeated this a few times before I had to stop him by grabbing his hand tighter and pushing it away, a brief flicker of disappointment flashed over Loki's face but he made no other protest.

I used the pause to bundle up the rest of my skirt and flip myself over, one leg swinging awkwardly over his legs so that I could straddle his hips and settle myself on his lap.

With my hands resting on his shoulders, I loomed over him and stared down as Loki's eyes roamed over me before they flickered up to meet mine while his hands moved to rest on my hips.

There was a brief lingering moment before we finally closed the gap between us, our lips connecting in sloppy but hungry kisses.

Our hands started to explore each other as the kisses started to get more passionate and lust driven, my hips ground into his as we feverishly tugged and pulled at each other's clothes.

"Sir, we're here, what would you like to order?"

Snapping back to reality, I gasped and pulled away to sit back in my original seat, my cheeks flushed and my breathing a little ragged.

Loki glanced at me then looked at the driver, who barely seemed phased at interrupting us, flipping out his card he leaned forward to pass it to the man upfront.

We put in our orders and waited, all the while letting a faint tension sit in the air, one of both unfulfilled lust and awkwardness.

I forced myself into distraction by fixing my dress and hair as we moved through the queue.

"Maybe it's best we don't do that again," I laughed faintly, shifting in my seat.

"Why not? I enjoyed it."

I looked at Loki, who was smirking at me.

"Because," I paused and thought for a moment, "because it's unprofessional and, as I said earlier, you're only attracted to this make-over I have for tonight."

Loki flinched back as if completely perplexed then sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"I can't believe you still believe that, if you truly do."

"I do," I said with a hard nod.

"Okay, then I shall have to rectify that."

I looked up at him, quirking my eyebrow a little to indicate that he could continue.

"Tomorrow, I shall come to your little home and have my way with you out of that little get-up."

My eyes widened a little before I grinned, shaking my head.

"It's the weekend tomorrow, meaning I won't be in my business attire either."

"Good," Loki chuckled, putting his arm around my shoulders and pulling me closer, "that's how I want it, no light make-up, no high heels, just you in your full, natural glory."

"You may regret that decision."

"And I may not, we'll find out tomorrow."

I smiled, resting my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes as we pulled up to pay for our order.

"But don't think for a second that I won't ravish you tonight, that dress is coming off by my hand."

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