EdderKopp - Drider Loki

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Staring into the mouth of the dark cave sent unpleasant tingles down my spine.

My fingers wriggle at my sides, fear beginning to worm its way into my guts the longer I stared.

It wasn't exactly a warm opening.

The circular entrance looked sharp, like an open mouth, baring teeth that were waiting to clamp down as soon as a lonely, needy adventurer stepped over its threshold. Aside from some jagged, moss covered rocks in the front, nothing could be seen beyond the entrance due to the darkness engulfing it.

Overhead, thunder cracked loudly across the sky, which had darkened further and I knew that heavy rain was imminent at any second.

It was from the first signs of rumbling that I had sought out shelter, in the hopes of avoiding a potential storm and this was all I had come across that seemed suitable.

"It doesn't have to be deep," I mumbled to myself, taking careful steps up the mud hill before the entrance, "just enough to give me shelter."

Holding out my hand, palm up, I muttered a brief; "Eldr," to ignite a small fire to light my way and provide a little heat when I got inside.

Once I reached the top, I secured my step and cautiously placed my hand on a safer looking part of the wall to safely step over the threatening rocks that guarded the front, knowing that one minor slip of the foot would cause a lot of damage I couldn't afford to gain just yet.

Stepping inside fully, I shuffled in a little further while using the flame engulfing my palm to illuminate the area, the darkness becoming almost blindingly so as the sky outside appeared to lose all light before finally deciding to roar with thunder and begin its downpour.

I didn't go too far inside, just far enough so that I could sit comfortably and stay both dry and warm while having the perfect view of the exit.

Crouching down briefly, I made a makeshift firepit to transfer my self-made flame into so I could safely stand and go about my business.

Kicking some loose stones away, I slid off my cloak and set it down on the ground for some added cushioning before slipping my satchel off from my shoulder and sitting down, resting my back against the wall while setting my satchel in my lap for better rifling access.

From inside I pulled out food and a small container of clean water, not much, but enough to tide me over until either to storm passed or I fell asleep.

The cave proved to be surprisingly good at retaining heat and soon after I had finished my tiny feast of bread, some dried fruit and water, I found myself curling up on the ground, using my satchel as a makeshift pillow and relaxing to the point where I could feel myself begin to drift off into a comfortable rest while listening to the sounds of the storm outside.

I couldn't say how long I had been asleep before I was roused again, my body aching and head groggy, but it was still pitch black beyond the cave entrance and the sounds of the storm were still filling up the sky though they had died down just a little.

The rain was still hammering down but the thunder had stopped, although there were still flashes of lightning lighting up the sky.

Pushing myself up, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes then moved my hand to my nose, trying to coax away the strange coldness I always got after having a nap.

Then from somewhere behind me, I heard a noise that froze me to the spot and sent unpleasant chills down my spine.

I knew that sound.

Everyone knows the sound of a scuttling spider.

And this spider sounded big.

Every sense in my body instantly shot into overdrive as I tensed up, my eyes darting around to find the source of the sound.

If there was one thing I hated about travelling, especially in forested or rocky areas, it was the spiders.

Those spindly bastards could crawl into any nook or cranny to scare the bejeesus out of you, just when you don't need them to.

The scuttling continued, closer this time and accompanied with a clicking that made every hair on my body stand on end.

"My," came a deep, sultry voice from above me, "it seems that I have found a meal to sate me during this terrible storm."

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