Patience - Requested by ChocoboAngel

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Warning: This oneshot contains themes of self harm and anxiety/panic attacks.

It was a devastating sight to behold, one he didn't wish to witness again but also one he was unfortunately certain that he would.

This wasn't the first time he'd found you in the middle of an attack or a bought of self harm, but it didn't affect him any less to see you curled into yourself, trembling and crying whilst struggling to breath.

Loki's heart broke each time he saw you like this, but he also knew that ultimately it was so hard to control that there was no blame or accusation in his thoughts of what happened.

He left you in your spot on the floor for a brief moment, grabbing a towel from the bathroom before returning to you and crouching in front of your hunched over and shuddering figure.

In pure silence, Loki gently pulled your cradled arm away from your chest and wrapped the towel around your wrist, applying enough pressure to ease any bleeding whilst also trying to cause the least amount of discomfort as he could whilst elevating your arm a little.

As he did this, his eyes flickered around the surrounding area in search of the knife you had used with the intent to make sure it was out of reach, upon not seeing it he kept a mental note to not let it slip his mind before putting all his attention back on you.

He slowly stood back up, keeping his back hunched, and urged you into standing with him. One of his hands remained on the towel whilst his other rested on the opposite shoulder and though his position proved to be a little uncomfortable, Loki never rushed you and let you move at your own pace.

Once you were both up and he could stand at his full height he examined you further to make sure there were no other injuries before leading you over to the bed.

The shortness of your breathing was his main focus now that your wrist was at least covered.

Loki climbed onto the bed and rested his back against the headboard, gently he led you to sit between his legs so that he could wrap one arm around your waist and rest your wrapped arm against his leg.

He pulled you against him and began to try and help you regulate your breathing despite your tears, which only made it harder to control.

You continuously tried to hiccup and pant out apologies to him, but each time he hushed you and repeated that you had to focus on breathing with him.

Deep breath in.


Long breath out.

Once you had gotten into the rhythm he began to talk to you in a soothingly calm tone, his chest rumbling underneath your head as he spoke.

He created the scene that would happen once you had gotten your breathing under control, he told you of how he would take you on a slow stroll through the gardens after your arm had been patched up properly.

When he noticed how your breathing seemed to have eased into a steadier and less jittered pattern, Loki began to ask you questions about what you'd like to see during your walk.

He listened patiently as you began to speak in a slightly laboured tone, whilst you were distracted he carefully unfolded the towel to assess the damage to your wrist.

Thankfully it seemed they were mostly superficial and hadn't gone too deep, the slashes had heavy bleeding but should heal relatively quickly as long as they weren't tampered with.

Loki recovered your arm and rested his head on top of yours, continuing to ask leading questions in order to keep you distracted and hopefully calm.

Never would he ask you why or push you into explaining yourself, you would tell him in your own time if you ever felt like it.

He knew that you'd both be there for a while, but if it meant helping you when you needed it then he had all the time in the world.

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