Over One Small Mistake

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I look down at my dress and frown, letting out a long sigh as I brush my hands over the skirt that flared out at my hips.

As I walked further into the hall I can feel eyes looking me over, watching me, judging me.

Of course each girl here wearing the same colours would whisper amongst their own groups, making scathing comments I'd never wish to hear but would probably think myself at some point about any girl wearing an intricate dress of the same shades.

Though this was a mistake and their whispering was unneeded.

I hadn't asked for these colours.

When I'd seen the dress lying in its wrapping on the bed I had been so excited, eager to unzip it and reveal the beautiful design of mixed gold, greens and blacks.

As I'd picked it up, I found a note attached to the front written in beautiful cursive writing.

'We believe there may have been a mistake in your ordering and took it upon ourselves to correct this.'

This instantly put me on edge and I became very hesitant to reveal what they had done to my dress, but I didn't have enough time to fret it over as maids had arrived to help me get ready, so I opened the bag.

The further down I pulled the zip, the more my heart sank and disappointment mixed with irritation took over.

The red from the attachment on my shoulder catches my eyes and I sigh, irked by the wrongful altering of my order.

They had taken it upon themselves to change the torso of the dress to a very vibrant red, this was accompanied by a silver bustier and elastic belt that sit snug around the belt and around my neck was a silver ribbon bowed to the left.

From there the skirt puffed outwards in a mesh of red that slowly turned blue towards the bottom, down the arms and along the dipped neckline was blue lace.

A design that would have looked wonderful in the original colours I had asked for, but considering the strange look of the red and blue melding together as the black and green would have it went unsaid that the look wasn't as flattering as I'd pictured it would be and I could understand everyone whispering about me.

Though it would serve me right for having the dress delivered last minute as a surprise, next time I'd know to check the item and not entrust it with someone else.

I would certainly be having a few words once this night was over.

With another sigh, I step around a group of girls whilst scanning the area, forever on the look out for the dark haired Prince.

Every now and then I would think I'd spot a quick glance of him, but it typically only turned out to be someone wearing his colours. Someone who I would have had as competition had the tailors not been to brash, though looking at some of them I was glad that I wasn't pitted against them, I wouldn't have stood a chance.

Loki and I had been friends for years and tonight was when I had planned on showing him that I was open to the chances of being more had the feelings been mutual, the past week had been full of fretting and nerves but also excitement for the party and now I just wanted to leave.

Plans of early departure were running through my head, I had at least shown my face and that was what mattered, now no one could complain that I hadn't attended and I could leave before being spotted by-

"Well isn't this a revelation?"

My blood freezes at the deep and smooth voice behind me, my heart clenching at the cold tone within it.

The turn to face him felt slow and seemed to drag on for minutes, the moment my eyes connected with him was a heartbreaking experience.

His blue eyes were narrowed as they scanned over my dress, but worse than that I could see a hint of sadness within the gorgeous colour.

"I didn't think you would join the masses," he sneered in disgust after a few long seconds, his attempt at hiding the small glint of sadness failing.

"I'm not," I reply, though it came out horribly feeble.

His eyes flickered back down to my dress and his eyebrow slowly quirked up, Loki looked completely unamused.


"Yes," I glance down at my dress as well and sigh, "this isn't what I asked the tailors to do."

"Oh, so they took it upon themselves to change your colours?"


"I somehow doubt that."


"That would be completely unprofessional and seems like a weak lie to try and save face."

"But it's not!" I protest loudly, a volume that even makes me flinch and realise that it probably wasn't helping my case.

Loki stared at me in silence, his expression not giving anything away as he folded his arms across his chest. Once again his eyes flickered over me in a way that made me nervous but also strangely excited at having his sole attention on me.

Eventually he turned his head away, glancing over the crowd.

"Come to my room," he ordered, not looking back at me.

"Excuse me?"

"Tonight," he started with a sharp tone, "once this is over, you will come to my personal room, away from any prying eyes and I will see to this."

He doesn't give me a second to reply, just as I was opening my mouth and barely a squeak of a response had come out Loki was gone, pushing through the crowd in a brisk manner all whilst wearing a polite but not enthusiastic smile whilst greeting certain guests.

"See to what?"

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