Nerd and the Bad Boy - Part Two

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"Well, make yourself at home."

It was their second meet up for their assignment, of which they decided to focus on Greek mythology for, the first had been at Loki's lavish and immaculate home and the second at his crushes considerably smaller and squat place.

He'd been nervous when inviting the boy with the reputation over for the first time, knowing that his father was likely to take a disliking to him.

Though, in all fairness, Odin took a disliking to most people but this particular style of attitude and reputation would grind his gears in a particular fashion and heaven forbid he found out that Loki had a bit of a soft spot for this rebel.

At least here he could relax a little, despite the fact that they were the only ones in the house.

Loki looked around the small bedroom, a little taken aback by how tidy it was for a guy of his reputation.

He had been expecting clutter, things being strewn around and thrown carelessly into places as opposed to the neatly sorted space that met him, the only out of place thing being a small pile of clothes that had been dropped on the floor by the bed.

His eyes glanced over the posters on the wall and the scarcely filled shelves that held books and ornaments of varying kinds.

For a moment, his eyes lingered on a figure that stood on the end of a light wooden shelf nearest to the bedroom window.

"Wow," he smiled widely, moving closer, "you have a Malthael figure?"

"Yeah," he replied with a slight shrug and the first genuine smile Loki had ever seen on him, "gotta represent my boy, haven't I?"

"You actually play Diablo?"

"Oh no, I'm total fake gamer girl," he chuckled, "what can I say? I like my fantasy."

Loki smiled at him then went back to scanning his room, taking in each item.

"You've got some cool things here."

"Took me a while to save up for each one too, but worth every penny."

He shrugged off his faux-leather jacket and flung it onto his bed carelessly then he turned to Loki and gave him a smile that made his stomach flutter.

"Well, make yourself at home."

Loki nodded and hesitantly pulled out the chair which was pushed up against the desk, setting his bag on the floor he sat down as he looked over the minimal contents on top of the table.

Just some papers, some books and an old looking laptop that he would be surprised to see booting up.

"So," the other man spoke as he sat down on his bed, "you do your side of the studying?"

"Of course, I got all my research and paperwork lined up."

"Great, so we're still in agreement to work on something about Hades?"

"You seemed really excited about that, so I'm fine with it."

He laughed and nodded, giving a small shrug.

"Only if you're cool with it."

"I'm fine with it," Loki smiled, "it's nice to have someone giving me their opinion for a change."

"Okay, let me grab us some snacks and then we'll get started."

Loki nodded and watched him get up and walk out of the room, particularly admiring the way his black jeans hugged his ass and seemingly thick thighs.

He wondered if the sleeve going up his arm was his only tattoo but didn't feel that they were close enough to ask him something that could be deemed as personal.

Clearing his throat, he pushed his glasses up his nose and grabbed onto his bag, choosing to distract himself by leafing through the contents to find his print-offs.

Once snacks and drinks were brought in, they both settled down and started working on their presentation, deciding to make it a small performance piece to add a bit of flair to the class.

"I'll even be Persephone if you want," he'd chuckled, making Loki laugh with him.

"I don't think Persephone had a tattoo with a stag skull in the middle of it."

"Hey, unless you knew her personally you can't say that."

Loki was amazed at what a duo they made, rather than butting heads once they had gotten into the details of things like he had expected.

For someone with such a reputation, this guy was actually quite clever and friendlier than a supposed criminal would stereotypically be.

Instead, he found himself having a lot of fun and time shot by, before they knew it it had reached nine and their eyes were beginning to get tired as their brains were slowly draining of energy. Though, to their credit, they had gotten nearly everything completed in only two sessions of work.

Loki looked up as he heard a yawn and watched as he stretched his toned arms over his head.

"Excuse me," he said, giving Loki a weary smile, "that was kind of rude."

"No, it's okay, I guess it's time we packed up and I went home."

"You sure? It's pretty dark, I can give you a ride."

"No, that's fine, thank you."

"You can call your parents and stay here."

Loki's heart jolted a little and his blood ran cold, he couldn't entirely say if his face portrayed his surprise or not.

"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to impose."

The bulkier man shrugged and got up.

"I wouldn't have offered if you were imposing, but don't think I'll force you to stay," he looked at Loki with a kind smile, "but I will insist that I drive you home, it's pretty dark."

"I...I think I'd rather stay than get on that death trap."

They stared at each other for a moment and Loki started to wonder if he had maybe offended him, it was well known that he was protective of his bike and it wasn't that it wasn't a wonderful looking thing, they just made Loki a little nervous.

Finally, he let out a laugh and shrugged, heading to the bedroom door.

"Fair enough, I'll grab the phone for you."

Loki smiled at him as he left then looked around the room, taking a deep breath to calm the sudden nerves that had hit him.

It would be fine, he'd had sleepovers when he was younger.

He just hoped that it would be his mother who picked up.

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