A Mile in my Shoes - Day Seven

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That morning we spent curled up in bed together, not tired enough to continue sleeping but still too physically exhausted to get up.

Loki's head was resting on my chest as I ran a hand through his hair, staring towards the ceiling once again.

"That was something," he finally said, opening up the floodgates.

"Yeah, that's putting it lightly."

The sex had been hard, quick and kind of sloppy but that was no surprise considering that I was just a little inexperienced at working from this end of the spectrum, though a few following rounds had improved until we were too tired to continue and collapse into a messy heap on the bed, uncovered and asleep before we knew it.

This wasn't typical, usually we would get up after and wash ourselves off but then again nothing about the last week could be considered typical.

"We should probably get up and shower," I mumbled.

"Good idea, or we can continue to lie here."

"Really? You're fine with that mess between your legs?"

Loki shrugged and closed his eyes again.

"It won't be my problem for much longer."

"Oh? Plan on changing back already?"

"It's the final day, there's no point in dragging it out needlessly, is there?"

"I suppose not."

He pulled away and sat up, wrinkling his nose distastefully as he moved, then stretched his arms high above his head as he arched his back.

My eyes roamed over his naked back and down to his rear, catching just a glimpse of side boob before he lowered his arms again and turned towards me with a look of realization.

"What if you get pregnant?"

"Hmm?" I hummed, rubbing the sleepiness from my eyes. "It should be fine, as you know I'm on the pill."

"If you're sure," he said slowly.

"I am, besides if you've gotten me pregnant then you can carry it," I laughed then found myself laughing just a little harder after noticing just how weird it was to hear Loki's voice saying such a thing.

"Okay, if you're sure," he nodded slowly, "I mean, I'm not going to do that, but if you're sure about the pill then okay."

"I am, what did you think I've been insisting that you take all week?"

"I never thought about it to be honest."

I rolled my eyes and nudged his ribs with my knee, causing him to jump and let out a high yelp as I hit a ticklish spot.

"Just shift us back if you're going to so that I can shower and have some breakfast."

"No," he smirked, standing up from the bed, "not yet, I want one last shower as you and then we can strip off the bed, return to our original bodies and get breakfast."

"Fine, you pervert."

And true to his word, that's what happened, with the addition of me joining him in the shower.

Afterwards, he worked his magic and shifted us back and boy, did I instantly feel it.

"Oh my god," I groaned, slowly easing down onto the bed, "why didn't you tell me how much I was battering myself?"

Loki shrugged, pulling on some delectably tight black jeans, it had taken an age for me to convince him that he would need to dress up more 'Midgardian' if he was going to live here, to which he reluctantly agreed and allowed me to drag him around town clothes shopping for him.

For a price, of course.

"You seemed to be having fun and it felt great, so why should I tell you not to be so rough?"

"You're such a freak," I laughed, admiring the view of his muscled pale back and the perfect curve of his jeans at the ass.

Biting my lip, I reached over and hooked a finger into the belt hoop to give it a tug.

"Don't worry about getting dressed just yet."

Loki looked at me with a raised eyebrow then chuckled, shaking his head.

"Are you sure you're up for it when you're already feeling bruised?"

I shrugged and slowly lowered myself onto my back, letting my legs fall open much as he had the previous night.

"What further harm could it do?"

Thus, life continued on as usual.

The next week my period started and my suffering was close to being over, I hadn't missed the sore nipples and backpains but there were bits that I had missed about being myself, such as being the little spoon to Loki's big spoon.

We worked, we played and we made plans for me to visit Asgard as myself so that I could meet Frigga and indulge in the finer things in life from time to time, even if Odin would be less than pleased about it.

Loki hadn't seemed to learn anything from the experience beyond the fact that he couldn't handle working retail and would actively pick being the shunned prince over that fate any day, which was encouraging and made me feel great.

Things slotted back into place nicely, as if nothing had happened at all, though I had noticed that we'd started to be a bit more adventurous in the bedroom which was an unexpected result of our little experiment that I wasn't going to complain about.

Something had piqued my interest though.

I started to wonder if Loki had perhaps started to consider marriage and I felt a bubble of excitement at the prospect of him possibly proposing soon, although I wasn't going to tell him that I had these sneaking suspicions.

"It would be nice though."

I smiled to myself, stepping out of the shower and wrapping myself up in a large towel.

Loki was taking me out for dinner that night and I had wanted to go the extra mile, so I had decided to have an extensive shaving session even though I wasn't feeling the best.

Stepping towards the sink, I picked up my toothbrush and toothpaste tube and set about cleaning my teeth.

I bounced along to the music that was playing from the Bluetooth speaker attached to the wall and got lost in my own playful atmosphere within the mist of the shower.

Slowly turning on the spot, I take note of the sanitary items I had near the toilet for easy access when it was that time...

A slow chill ran down my spine and my mouth went slack as my brushing stopped.

Time had gone by so quickly that I hadn't even realized until just this moment that I was nearing my second month without a period.

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