Babysitting - Part Three

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Much to your relief, once Loki got some food and his appetite was sated, he settled down and let you continue with your market shopping with little hassle.

Sure, he whined here or there purely to make a scene, but he surprisingly behaved for the most part.

Thankfully the travel back home was easier.

Although Loki was adult minded, it seemed his body was still controlled by the limitations of a child's and by the time you had finished wandering around the market, he was resting against your hips with his head on your shoulder as he slept, oblivious to the world around him.

The people you shopped from cooed quietly over him, saying how adorable your son was and more often than not commented on how much he looked like a certain Prince.

Each time you smiled politely and agreed, digging yourself into a deeper and deeper hole with each passing agreement, but you knew after the first merchant that there was no way out of this story.

Word was bound to pass around the kingdom that Prince Loki, a supposed bachelor in the eyes of many, had an illegitimate, but completely adorable, child to a woman known as a palace worker.

Loki was still asleep after you'd awkwardly clambered into the carriage.

You somehow managed to shift him around to rest in your lap with his head rested on your chest, your arms securing him against you as the carriage jolted forward to head back to home.

As you looked down at him, you couldn't stop the faintest bubble of broodiness from rising and the way your heart jolted at the sight of a supposed young child sleeping in your lap was unignorable.

In that moment, you wanted this to be how it was, to be making a journey home to your husband, Loki, with the child you had conceived together in your arms after tiring themselves out with the excitement of the day.

This wasn't the first time feelings like this had flared up, but in the past it had been fleeting and never lingered as long as the thoughts did then.

For the first time, you had thoughts of actually putting forward a suggestion of a family with Loki, which in itself unnerved you as you both had never considered something this serious.

Your relationship with Loki had always been light and a bit of fun, nothing that either of you would consider entirely serious, just something of a light romance with amazing sex.

These thoughts changed that feeling entirely, what you thought was merely a mutual attraction shifted into something much stronger in a matter of minutes.

You were afraid to admit it, but you had grown to love him and now the fear of it not being mutual pricked in the back of your mind.

Having a discussion about children could possibly scare him off or he may not think of you as deeply as you thought of him and that worried you.

Niggling thoughts and concerns rang through your mind the entire journey back, all the while Loki slept on none the wiser.

Thor was waiting to meet you both at the entrance, his face breaking into a kind smile as he watched you stumble out of the carriage with Loki in your arms.

"This has to be one of the cutest things I've seen," he chuckled.

You rolled your eyes but couldn't help returning his contagious smile.

"He's been asleep for a while now, it's been peaceful."

"How has he been?"

"Like a five year old Loki," you laughed.

"He always was a little rascal."

Thor walked to you and held his arms out, indicating to Loki.

There was a minor bit of hesitance, but you gently passed him over and let Thor carry him inside as you brought in the bags you'd put your shopping in to.

"It's been a while since I've seen him like this," Thor smiled, looking almost fatherly, "it brings back memories of our childhood."

"I'm more than certain it would."

"Though I doubt your memories are as fond as my own."

You both froze at the softly spoken voice with a hint of mirth laced into each syllable.

"Mother," Thor exhaled, looking over his shoulder.

"Lady Frigga," you bowed, glancing at Loki who had started to stir a little in his brother's arms.

"How long have you known?" Thor asked lamely, knowing that there wasn't any possible way she hadn't known since the beginning.

"Long enough," Frigga replied, her usual kind smile in place.

As elegantly as ever, she moved closer and looked down at Loki just as he rubbed at his eyes before letting them flutter open.

Once his eyes focused and he met his mother's gaze, he flinched then hurriedly looked away with red cheeks.

"Mother," he greeted quietly.

"Loki," she replied with a light laugh, "don't you just look precious."

"I didn't want you seeing me like this."

"As if I never have before."

"Not for many years," he looked up at Thor who took the wordless cue and set him down.

"Magic went awry, nothing to be ashamed of, I am truly glad I got to see this sight once again."

"Mother," he whined, hanging his head so that his long hair covered his face, hiding his embarrassment.

Frigga merely laughed and stooped to pick up her son, resting him against her hip as she had done many years ago.

"Come along, I know a way to reverse this."


"Of course, it's a simple bit of magic."

"And you couldn't have come to save the day sooner?" He asked, rolling his eyes lightly.

"No, I wanted to see how this would work out, now, let us get you fixed."

"Oh," you pouted, "and I bought some great things for him to use until it wore off."

You held up the bags in your hands to exaggerate your point.

Frigga looked over, a twinkle in her eye and a hidden meaning in the smile she aimed at you before turning away and heading back the way she had arrived from.

"I'd keep ahold of them if I were you, who knows how soon you may need them."

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