Maneater - Lady Loki

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(I don't know guys, it's just a weird experimental thing that popped up.

No harm in trying, eh?)

She was beautiful, devastatingly so.

Unfortunately, she knew this too.

I knew that she would be nothing but trouble and yet I still let myself fall for her tricks, let her into my life to be absolutely devastated in the collapse of our relationship.

I had known it was all shallow and yet I allowed myself to be strung along, all because she was beautiful and wild.

We had met at a bar, as cliché as it sounded.

The day at work had been rough and I just wanted to drink my weekend away.

I had sat at one end of the bar, she at the other and when I first connected with those piercing green eyes I know from that I was going to have a night I would never forget.

She was absolutely stunning.

Her figure was almost inhumanly perfect, her black hair fell around her face and shoulders perfectly and accentuated her pale skin, black painted lips and the intense colour of her eyes.

It was lewd, but I felt my groin stirring as we made eye contact and she brought the straw of her colourful cocktail to her lips to take a sip, her delicate fingers with long, black painted fingernails clasping at the top of the straw to hold it steady.

She knew what she was doing, the smirk that decorated her beautiful face told it all.

She was playing a game of cat and mouse and I knew that I, as the mouse, was going to lose and give in first.

Over the course of an hour she slid closer, I bought her a drink, we introduced ourselves, she said her name was Loki...such a strange name, we spoke and then we left.

Twenty minutes later I had her pinned against the wall, the front door barely closed behind me before we were tearing at each other's clothes and frantically trying to feel what we could of one another.

She was really something in bed.

Dominant, in control and fierce, a total animal as she rode me.

I knew from that point on that I was done for and yet I stupidly welcomed it with open arms if it meant that I got the view of her above me playing with her own chest, got to hold onto her hips more often as she rolled them and squeezed herself around me to milk every last drop.

It was absolutely amazing and that night is one I would never forget, would never want to even with the sour taste of a foul break up lingering in the aftermath.

Loki was amazing.

She was funny, smart and charismatic as well as too beautiful and perhaps that should have been a red flag.

Some women can be beautiful, prideful and hold themselves well but there was always something about her that felt off, scheming even, not that I saw it in the moment.

I wanted nothing but to spoil her, to buy her everything she ever wanted and to show her that I was worthy of having her as my own.

We went out for lavish dinners, for which she always found an amazing outfit to wear that made everyone stare at her.

I would gift her things to make her smile, though thinking back on it that smile was always more mischievous and darker than I noticed at the time.

We went on holidays to islands with the most crystal clear of waters and the fanciest of exotics foods.

I did everything I could for her.

I came to love her.

But she never felt the same way.

I'm not entirely sure when she started growing bored, but I noticed that things were changing near four months into the relationship.

It was probably my fault.

I earned a lot of money, but damn if I didn't work my ass off for it, which subsequently meant that I didn't have as much free time as I'd have liked and thus lead to me having no time for her until I came home from work or had a day off.

It wasn't that I didn't try to make up for it, at least I felt I did, but that didn't stop her enthusiasm from waning.

Sometimes she would get annoyed that I wouldn't take her out, that I would want to stay in after working all day rather than getting changed and going out until who knows what time at night.

In those situations she would be sated by a sum of money that she could go shopping with, but the sex became lack lustre and she went through the motions until one of us reached our peak and then rolled over to sleep, not saying another word to me until morning.

I felt guilty and disgusted with myself, I wanted nothing more than to please her and I was failing before we had even gotten to the first hurdle.

In the following two weeks I tried to make it work, but nothing did.

No compromises sated her and no sacrifices felt big enough.

I could only watch helplessly as she drifted away bit by bit until one evening, she said she was heading out, took my car and never returned.

Weeks had passed and it still hurt.

I had loved her, well and truly, enough to want to do anything for her.

I'd had a few hook-ups since then but none were quite like Loki.

There was something ethereal about her, not just her looks but everything about her.

I'd presumed that she had simply found another sucker to bleed money from, to emotionally manipulate before leaving them devastated and empty.

So imagine my shock upon turning on the news to see her face, staring at the camera and smirking as fire and debris erupted behind her.

She was always so in command and now she was demanding that everyone be as devastated as I was.

Small commodities were no longer good enough for Loki.

Breaking singular hearts was beneath her.

Now she wanted everyone to kneel.

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