In Thor's Defence

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"The man is an idiot!"

You sigh and lower your book a little, peering over the top as Loki paces back and forth in front of the seat you're lounging in.

"He really isn't though when you come down to it."

Loki pauses briefly to shoot you a glare before continuing his pacing, holding his hands behind his back.

"Yes, he is."

"He's about as much of an idiot as you are."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Once again his pacing stops as he sharply turns to face you, his eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched.

You let another drawn out sigh and shake your head.

"Nothing offensive, Loki, I'm just saying that everyone has their stupid moments, neither you nor Thor are exempt from the rule."

"It just seems that Thor practices it more than I do."

"And perhaps he does, but that hardly makes him inherently an idiot anymore than when you do something a little stupid."

"So what you're saying i-"

"What I'm saying is that yes, Thor can be a little brash and quick to react before thinking, but he isn't stupid."

Loki clucked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, looking away from you with a look you couldn't quite decipher.

"That wasn't what I was saying," he muttered.

"Then what were you?"

"I was going to say how often you jump to poor Thor's defence."

"I wouldn't have to if you both didn't act like you were still ten."

Loki rolls his eyes and flops onto the seat opposite yours, placing his hands in his lap whilst fiddling with his fingers as he stares at the table, his face one of deep thought.

You glance him over, choosing to stay quiet and let him have his moment of silence to get his thoughts together.

It was always best to let him seep a little so he could decipher whatever he needed, eventually Loki would come back to Asgard and more than likely continue ranting about his brother.

After a couple of minutes, of which you had turned back to the book you were reading, Loki finally looks up and lets out a long sigh whilst leaning back on his seat, running his hands through his hair.

As he relaxes, his blue eyes scan over you and he can't help but smile a little.

"Tell me, was there ever a time you preferred Thor over me?"

You look over your book with a quizzical look before laughing, thankful that he seemed to be finding amusement in the subject already.

"Not particularly, there was a brief time where I thought I may like him," you shrugged a little as you set your book back down in your lap, "but I didn't understand those emotions then, I was young and then I met you and let's just say that no one compares."

His smile widened and it made you happy to see him genuinely pleased about something.

You has always elated in giving Loki the attention he needed from someone other than Frigga when she was alive.

"I guess at times I worry over nothing," he nodded slowly.

"You can't help it, Loki," you smile at him. "You're a drama queen and besides, I wouldn't lounge near enough naked, reading in the bedroom of the brother of a man I was interested in."

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