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It started out as a term of endearment, one he reserved for the people he held closest to his heart.

Admittedly, it used to make my stomach flutter when he'd say it.

The first time he had took me by surprise and had me walking on cloud nine for the rest of the day, my place as someone he held fondly officially cemented.

It was truly magnificent.

And then it wasn't.

Now hearing the word caused my eye to twitch involuntarily, but I'd swallow my pride and let him continue despite how much it was starting to grate on my nerves.

"I'm going to grab some new books, do you want to come along, darling?"

"Come here, darling, I have something to show you."

"Darling, you won't believe what I've just heard."

Just thinking about it made me grit my teeth a little.

I loved talking with Loki, he was smart, witty and made a wonderful conversational partner but damned if it wasn't annoying hearing 'darling' every other sentence and it was beginning to make me become a little reluctant about starting any conversation with him.

Which pained me, I loved Loki, he was a great friend and everyone had quirks or habits that can annoy others and can be looked past, but this one was too much.

Something about hearing that word every.other.sentence was driving me nuts.

"Someone looks deep in thought."

I looked away from the window I was staring out of as Loki gave me a smile, sitting down in the chair opposite me.

"Penny for your thoughts, darling."

Eye twitch number one, that I tried to ignore as he gave me a look of sincere and genuinely worried curiosity.

"Oh, nothing important," I smiled, waving my hand dismissively, "just lost in thoughts about nothing."

"If you're sure," he shrugged leaning back in his seat. "So, how about you tell me about your day instead?"

"My day? That's how boring we're getting?" I laughed, "nothing has happened honestly."

"Oh, darling, there must be something you can tell me, some palace walls gossip."

"If anyone has gossip around here, it's you."

"True enough."

"I know," I smiled, looking back out the window, "but I've just been watching the world go by."

"How peaceful," he hummed.

We both sat in silence, Loki joining me in my people watching with a faint, barely there smile.

It was peaceful and a lingering moment of comfort.

"Darling, there's something I-"

"Oh to all that is unholy in Hades, Loki! Will you STOP calling me darling?!"

Never had I felt a tether snap like this one just had, it was a searing moment of blind irritation that I instantly regretted.

Loki sat up straighter in his chair, his eyes a little widened and his eyebrows raised.

I glanced him over then looked away, covering my mouth with my hand as my leg started to bounce as the tension built between us.

He said nothing and nor did I, for a too long period.

"Well then," he sighed, letting out a soft chuckle, "I apologise."

"No," I shook my head, frowning as I looked at him, "I should, I'm sorry, Loki, it's just...I get so annoyed hearing 'darling' every other sentence."

"As I said, I apologise, I didn't realise just how often I did it."

"It's fine, really, I shouldn't have snapped."

"No, you could have just talked to me about it but I understand where you're coming from, I will try to cut back on saying that."

"Thank you," I smiled softly, suddenly feeling flustered. "Let me know if there's anything I can work on too."

"I shall if something comes up," he smiled back.

"Great," I nodded, licking my bottom lip, "so, you were saying?"

"Ah, yes," he leaned back in his seat, steepling his fingers. "As I was going to say, sweetheart."

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