Extra Padding

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"Hey," you proclaimed, giving Loki's hand a tap as he reached for a strawberry, "those are for the cake, leave."

The God pouted, leaning against the counter beside you.

"But the smell of the cake baking made me hungry."

"Then eat some of the plethora of food we have in the pantry."

"Why do that, when I can just take something that's right in front of me?"

"Because I need the strawberries, you can have the ones I don't use when I'm done."

Loki huffed and crossed his arms, glaring at the wall opposite him.

Rolling your eyes, you can't help but smile as you shake your head.

How you had managed to domesticate a deity like Loki was beyond you, but you had been married for five Midgardian years and you had gradually managed to whip him into place.

Though it seemed that he was getting a little too comfortable in that place, if the podge around his waist was anything to go by.

Never, in a million years, did you think you'd see the day where Loki would be on his way to a dad-bod and yet, mostly thanks to your need to keep people pleased, here he was with a slightly rounded belly despite not even being a dad yet.

At least not in this life, that either of you were aware of.

"I think you can survive for now, you're hardly starving," you laughed, giving his belly a little backhanded slap.

"I can't believe my own wife would attack me like that," he gasped, putting a hand dramatically to his chest.

"You better start believing it," you smiled, shaking your head, "what time is Thor coming over again?"

"Just before midday, perfectly in time for lunch."

"I bet you're both looking forward to that."

Loki chuckled and stood behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Of course, you're an amazing little chef, almost worthy of the royal kitchen."

You scoffed, leaning back against him as you continued to cull and half the strawberries.

"Only almost?"

"Closer than not," he hummed, kissing your temple before pulling away.

Glancing towards the clock, you note that you have just over an hour before Thor is due to arrive, giving you time to get out of your pyjamas and wash your hair.

Turning back to Loki, you told him your plan then leaned up to give him a quick kiss before heading through your living room, calling back a warning about not eating the food you had prepared while your back was turned.

He listened, for the most part.

Maybe a strawberry or three and some of the whipped cream icing you made had gone, but that was all.

That evening, you both relaxed on either ends of your couch with the light turned off and a lamp illuminating Loki's side so he could read.

Nothing was said between you, nothing had to be. It was a comfortable silence that you both relished in, tired from the day of socializing.

The dinner had gone down well, time flew by, food was eaten and complimented, making you feel giddy and happy to know the two men were enjoying what you had prepared and conversation was pleasant, with the brothers constantly roasting each other.

It was lovely.

Then the silence of the evening was broken and you were pulled from your thoughts.

You look to Loki as he calls your name, diverting his attention from the book in his hands and your from the laptop resting on your legs.

"Yes, babe?" You replied, pausing in your typing and tilting your head to look at him.

"Do you think I'm getting fat?"

You furrowed your eyebrows and slowly trailed your eyes down him, taking in his slightly bigger arms and the podge on his stomach before shaking your head.

"No, Loki, I wouldn't say you're fat."

"But I'm getting there."

"Hardly," you rolled your eyes with a smile, "you just have a little extra padding, some cuddle cushion."

You set your laptop to one side and sidled along to sit next to him, resting your head on his shoulder while wrapping your arm around his.

"Where did this come from?" You asked.

Loki pulled his lips to one side, scowling at his book before sighing.

"Thor, he was ribbing me all night about me getting fat."

"Oh, hun, A: he was probably yanking your chain and B: he has no room to talk," you laughed.

Loki huffed a laugh through his nose and looked down at you.

"So I shouldn't start going to the gym?"

"Loki, if that's what you want then I fully encourage it, if not then that's fine too, this is about what you want, not me. I love you either way."

He smiled and nodded, wrapping an arm around your waist.

"Good, as long as it doesn't get in the way of our sex life."

Rolling your eyes, you laughed and gently tapped his chest with the back of your hand, much like earlier.

"This isn't about sex."

"No, it's about your food turning me into the blob."

"The blob? You've spent far too much time here is you're making those kinds of references and you don't have to eat my food."

"Yes, I do, it's so good."

"Thank you, but beyond the point, and you're hardly turning into the blob, you've just got a little podge and I think it's cute."

You patted his stomach through the black shirt he was wearing then pulled away to reach over for your laptop.

"So you're not going to cut me off from your delicious cooking that will be the death of me?"

"No, not unless you actually start turning into the blob, then we'll have to have a talk."

Loki smiled and shook his head, looking back to his book as you stretched out across the rest of the couch and rested the laptop in front on you, using Loki as a cushion in your slouched state.

"Then I live to see your cooking another day."

"That you do," you nodded slowly, a sly smile hidden from him by your lowered head, "though if you're feeling like this, maybe I should stop spoiling you."

"Excuse me?"

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