Perpetually Wounded - Request by DesultoryWriter

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The doors to the healer's infirmary clattered open and closed, the sound of boots scuffing on the floor invaded the once quiet sanctuary and you didn't even have to look up to know who it was.

This was a typical routine by this point and one that you'd come to look forward to, though you would try and act otherwise.

You let out a long sigh and lowered the glasses you were wearing down the bridge of your nose to peer over the rims, attempting to block out the new technology that danced across the lenses, something that was supposed to make your job that much easier.

"What is it this time, Prince Loki?"

He gives you his usual coy smirk and gestured down to his leg.

Your eyes trailed to where he was pointing and you could see a slash within the leather covering his knee, blood seeping out of a wound that didn't look as superficial as the ones you had grown accustomed to tending to.

For once it took you by surprise and your eyes widened as you stood from your seat, ripping off the monitoring glasses to set them to one side so that an ensuing headache wouldn't distract you from actually fixing up your patient.

"It seems I've had an accident during my training," he said with a look that told you it had been a genuine accident for once and one that he was less than pleased about.

"It would appear so," you replied coolly and indicated to the bed at your side, "well take them off and I'll have a look."

Loki limped towards you, his face twitching every now and then in a wince as he applied pressure to his wounded leg.

You were used to seeing Loki in the infirmary, it seemed like every other training session something would happen or on days when he wasn't training he was very accident prone, at least that's what he wanted you to believe.

It had been a genuine accident that sent him to the infirmary where you'd first met, many years ago when you were still a mere healer in training and he was just hitting the last part of his puberty.

The oh so cruel Asgardian puberty.

You yourself had only just been out of it for two years and the previous ones were days and weeks you were more than happy, elated in complete honesty, to never have to relive.

That day was when you had first met the Prince face to face.

Naturally, living within the palace meant that you'd seen him from a distance, but that did no justice to when his entire presence was barely a foot away as you were examining him for any wounds.

Loki was definitely growing into a fine young man.

Tall, lean but still a little muscled, dark haired and handsome.

It seems that puberty had worked wonders for him, your breath was almost instantly taken away when you got the first up-close look of him, but unfortunately many other girls had picked up on that face as well.

A handsome face and a high title in society will get you anything it seemed.

Though sometimes you wondered if they were merely using Loki as Thor was harder to obtain logistically, being the first-born son and immediate heir to the throne, but it didn't seem as though Loki cared.

He was just basking in the positive attention and hormonal rushes that lead to ridiculous decisions in order to impress and leave an impression, decisions that led him directly into your hands.

"And how did you say this happened again?"

Although his back was facing you, it was easy to tell that he suddenly came over with a severe case of embarrassment by the way he shuffled on top of the table.

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