A Mile in my Shoes - Day Five

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The next day we had all to ourselves and Loki's PMS spiked dramatically again.

The bra he'd had on was proving too painful so he had to take it off, his back wouldn't stop aching and he was repeatedly arching it to try and stretch out the pain and the cravings had returned with just a hint of indecision.

"But it's a waste of money."

"If you want it, buy it, I worked overtime this month so I'm getting a bit extra," I looked over at him, "treat yourself."

He looked back at the laptop, chewing his bottom lip.

"I do want it, but it seems pointless."

Rolling my eyes, I set down my book and reached over, lifting the laptop from his lap and setting it on my own to process and pay for the order.

"There," I said, passing it back, "now read some fic or something while we wait."

"Okay, there was no need to get snippy with me."

"What?" I asked, looking at him weirdly, "I didn't."

"Yes, you did."

"Right, fine, whatever you say."

I wasn't in the mood to rise to an argument sparked by PMS induced mood swings, so instead stood up and walked to the kitchen to pull out the plates and cutlery that we would need.

Poor Loki, I hadn't realised just how snappy I came across when irritated during this time.

Arguments weren't common between us, but sometimes I snapped and he'd snap back and there'd be small doses of tension for a while before we made up and called ourselves idiots.

"What do you want to drink with your food?" I called to the living room, opening the cupboard above the side to take two glasses out.

There wasn't a response, so I shrugged and turned around to open the fridge and make a choice from the bottles we had inside.

I had just picked up the bottle of apple and mango juice we had when two arms slid around my waist and a head was rested on the centre of my back.


I smiled softly and placed a hand on his connected ones.

"It's okay, it wasn't you, hormones are a bitch."

"I hate them."

"Don't we all?"

"This was a stupid deal."

"It's not even a deal," I laughed, carefully leaning back so that I could close the fridge door then awkwardly shuffle towards the glasses with him still attached to me. "We didn't make a bet or put down any stakes, you just decided to do it."

"I know and it was stupid."

"We can swap back."

"No, I'm going to see this week through."

"Good idea," I shook my head while pouring the drinks, "good thing you didn't agree to last until the bleeding started, sometimes I get symptoms for about three weeks before that happens."

"You would have been on your own there."

"Gee, what a supportive boyfriend I have."

Loki chuckled and let me go, stepping back.

"I am sorry though."

"It's fine, it's not as if I don't get it and it was only a very minor thing."

"I know, still."

I smiled and gently ran my hand through his hair, leaning down to kiss his forehead before returning the juice carton into the fridge and going back to the living room.

"Don't worry about it, seriously."

We sat back down and went about with whatever we had been doing until our food arrived.

The rest of the early afternoon went by quickly with pleasant conversation, some quiet cuddling and reading but come six o'clock, something seemed to snap.

"I'm bored," Loki said, staring at the wall across from us.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, I kind of want to go out somewhere, but I don't know where."

Now I was beginning to pick up on just how indecisive I could be when leading up to the red Niagara.

There were small nuances that I had picked up during this weird little swap, things I never would have noticed had I not been the one witnessing them.

The indecisiveness was one, forgetfulness was another and I hadn't realised just how much I would eat, apparently my body wanted to binge and Loki was fine with indulging, even though I could see that it lead to bloating.

I was in for one hell of a ride when the next two days passed.

"Okay," I hummed, tilting my head and staring at the ceiling as I thought. "How about we go and see Scary Stories?"

"Oh, it's been a while since we went to see a horror film."

"I know, right? And it's by del Toro."

"I know how much you love that del Toro guy," he nodded.

"You know me too well," I laughed. "So what do you say? We'll walk down to stretch our legs, stop off and grab some treats to take with us and go have a good spook for the evening."

"I like the sound of that, it'll be like a date."

"It's been a while since we've had one of those too."

"All the more reason to go."


Loki pushed away from me to sit up and reached his arms over his head to stretch then adjusted his bra through his shirt.

My eyes flickered over him and I found myself admiring my own body from this angle, I still couldn't say that I thought highly of myself but seeing me through Loki's eyes and vaguely feeling what he felt towards me would certainly help me once this period was over.

That would be when the insecurity would hit me hardest for at least a good day or so.

It wouldn't stop it completely, but maybe, just this once, I would remember what Loki feels when he's around me and it'll cheer me up, if only just a little.

"Okay, let me get changed into some non-lounging clothes and I'll be right with you."

Loki stood up from the couch and ran a hand through his tousled hair, leaving to head to our shared bedroom.

I smiled and picked up my book to finish the chapter I was on while I waited.

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