Fan Theories - Actor Loki

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'And I am live at the red carpet of what is expected to be the next big blockbuster of this year-"

I walk into the room and look at the TV, taking a bite out of the slice of toast that I had only just freshly prepared and it would appear that I'd finished just in time for the red carpet walk on the entertainment channels.

Putting my foot on the settee, I sit down and tuck my legs underneath me and place my plate on the arm of the chair, my body twisted so that I could face the television without discomfort.

'We are waiting for the latest big name to come into Hollywood to arrive, the upcomer who seemed to come out of nowhere and steal everyone's hearts, Loki Laufeyson.'

I smile at the mention of his name and give a little whoop, the noise alerting the dogs and causing them to lift their heads and stare in my direction disapprovingly, as if it were a nerve to dare interrupt their twelve hours of rest.

With a roll of my eyes, I wave my hand at them and stick my tongue out before taking another bite of my toast, watching the show as celebrities I barely knew of arrived and entered the building after interacting with the media and fans alike.

It was always nice to see them interacting with people, but my interest wasn't in them, I was eagerly waiting for Loki to arrive.

Pulling my laptop towards me from across the settee, I lift it up and set it on my lap so that I could flitter through websites until my object of fascination turned up.

While stealing occasional glances at the TV to check guest progress, I log onto some accounts and check out any updates that were going on.

As I expected, my check resulted mostly in a few comments on the latest books, fan tags of photos and ravings on the premiere trending tab about the latest up and coming couple and how they'll 'Totally make it official tonight!'.

It hadn't been long since I'd first heard about the rumours, in fact it was a co-worker who first brought it up during one of my many meetings within that building.

"Hey, did you hear that Loki is apparently dating his co-star?" She'd asked, staring at her computer screen.

"Is that so?" I replied with a soft laugh, unable to hide the smile that crept up.

"Yeah, lucky girl."

"Oh, very lucky."

I noticed how the rumours continued to spread and in fact still do to this day.

'Breaking news; Upcoming star Loki Laufeyson is seen out at dinner with co-star.'

'Is Loki dating ex-model turned actress and co-star, Julie?'

These were the only headlines around these days and it was beginning to get a bit tiring, though some of it was self-inflicted.

It's not like I had to go onto the shipping sites or look at the comments on his social media pages, but everything deeply fascinated me.

Fans knew that he was notoriously private for someone who enjoyed showing off, but as soon as he started uploading pictures I noticed immediately how they all seemed to turn super sleuth.

Many had their suspicions and the vocal majority were more than happy to project their thoughts across his pages, some even made dedicated blog posts about their theories and whether they believed the media reports to be true or false.

Some hit the nail on the head.

It was astounding the day I got the first comment on one of my silly little photos that wasn't about book promotion.

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