Self Assessment

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"I thought you would like it."

"Like it? Loki can you really imagine me in that?"

You held up the set of black and green lingerie he had surprised you with, an unimpressed expression giving away exactly how you felt.

"Obviously I can," he chuckled, "otherwise I wouldn't have bought it for you."

"I can't wear this," you protested, setting it down onto the bed.

"Sure you can."

"Loki," you sighed, running a hand through your hair, "are you trying to humiliate me?"


"Then wh-"

He let out a loud and dramatic sigh, getting up from his spot on the bed and snatching up the set before heading to the bathroom.

You watched him with an eyebrow quirked, slowly moving to sit down on the edge of the bed whilst staring towards the bathroom intently.

It was a few minutes later when the lock clicked and the door swung back open, your eyes widened as an exact copy of you stepped out, wearing the well fitting lingerie set and looking more confident than you had ever felt.

"See, I told you that you'd look amazing."

Your jaw was slack as you stared at your boyfriend, hearing his voice coming from your image was one of the most peculiar things you had seen in your years of knowing him.

He strode over with a peculiar swing to your hips that you had never noticed in your stance before, in the oddest way it was alluring to watch but no less disturbing to see yourself walking to where you were sat on the bed.

Once he reached you, Loki stopped a few feet away and then rested a hand on one jutted out hip.

"As I said, amazing," he chuckled.

"No, it really isn't," you replied, your eyes roaming over the you stood before you.

"Fine, then tell me what you would change."

You hummed a little and looked over your doppelganger once again, lips pulled together in concentration before you moved forward and began to point out the varying parts of your mirror image that you would change were you magic or rich.

As you pointed things out, Loki continuously shifted the visage in front of you, the shape continuously changing and adjusting like ripples in water.

Once you had gotten to a point of loss with more things to change, you leant back on your hands and looked him over once again, nodding in finality.

"I think we're done."

"So what do you think now?" He asked, posing once again with a hand on his hip.

"I think that looks nothing like me."

"Exactly," Loki chuckled, tilting his head and making the imitation of your hair fall to one side, "so why would you want to change it?"

"To be happier? More confident in myself, to trust in what you say when you compliment me."

"Trust what I say?" He quirked an eyebrow then moved towards the mirror that stood in the furthest corner of the room.

As he stood in front of it, he turned from side to side and eyed up this new figure from all different angles before finally turning back towards you.

"This is not you and this is definitely not the you that I love."

Your heart swelled a little at the way he was talking, an uncontrollable grin splitting your lips widely.

That only last a brief moment, as Loki reached behind himself and unclipped the clasps of the bra, letting it slide down his arms and onto the floor before wiggling his way out of the lacy green underwear.

Kicking them both to one side, he smirked down at you before promptly dropping his illusion and leaving you face to face with his bare crotch.

Despite this not being the first time you'd seen it, you still felt your cheeks burn a little as you let out an almost shy laugh and looked up at him.

"Did wearing girl's underwear really rile you up that badly?"

"No," he rasped, leaning down so that his arms were on either side of you and allowing him to loom over you, kissing your neck and jaw up to your ear. "I'm this riled up because I'm desperate to show you just how perfect you are."

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