As Midgardians Do

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(Happy (very early) Halloween! Hope you all have a wonderful day when you celebrate it, I know I'm loving these Halloween filters. I just seem to have a face for it as my poor Twitter followers learn from my selfie spamming.)

"Come on, Loki, it's just a bit of fun."

The God wrinkled his nose, looking at the long aisle of varying costumes with a hint of disgust.

"But they all look cheap and tacky, why would I wish to participate if that's what they have to offer?"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes a little.

"No one is saying you have to use a store-bought costume, as long as it's a costume."

"Right and why would we be doing that at all?"

"So that we can join in the fun when we take Saemneir trick or treating."

"And why are we doing that? He's barely over two, not old enough to be eating sweets from strangers."

I let out a long sigh and pinched the bridge of my nose, closing my eyes tightly to try and ebb away the rising headache.

This had been a repetitive conversation from the moment I had mentioned my intention of showing our son how much I adored the Midgardian celebration of Halloween, a day of spooks and horror that I had learned about during a visit to the realm in my youth.

Sadly, I was unable to attend that year so long ago but I had always vowed to one day return and celebrate their custom, unfortunately and yet fortunately life had gotten in the way and I was offered many other blessings in the form of marriage and a beautiful son so I had never had a chance to return.

I watched from afar with Heimdall's help, learned how the friends I had made during my brief visit were enjoying their day and took note of how spectacular that time of year was for those like me, with a taste for horror and scares.

There was a lingering yearning for me to return to Midgard to celebrate, but I always pushed it to the back of my mind, that was until Thor came barreling into the feasting hall one day as I nursed Saemneir and animatedly shared stories of things he had experienced during a stay at Stark Tower.

Tales of scary mazes, costumed people and terrifying films you would watch while consuming corn popped with butter and salt.

The more I heard, the more excited I got and I vowed to myself that I would attend All Hallows' Eve the next year with my son in tow, even if it meant having to leave my husband behind.

What I hadn't determined was Loki's reluctance to let Saemneir out of his sight for too long, even if I would be keeping him close.

It wasn't that he mistrusted me with my own son, it was just that he doted on him to the point that I wouldn't be surprised to learn that even the mere thought of being away from his child for more than an hour physically hurt him.

The previous year was easy to ignore, Saemneir would have been far too young but now he was older, bright eyed and curious about the world and I was ready to show him customs beyond our realm.

Initially, I had tried to push down the usual rising urge that would start to bubble at the beginning of fall, but Thor started to indulge me in my growing need to participate in the festivity and soon my need grew unignorable.

After much persuasion, Loki eventually agreed for us to go to Midgard for the month of October and Tony was generous enough to allow us temporary residence in his tower, though that was under strict supervision of the remarkably advanced J.A.R.V.I.S.

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