Scare Me

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(For the spooky ones on Halloween.

Here's my make-up from last year, and rehashed this year, going on a ghost tour!)

Loki was getting ready for his first date since he'd been living on Midgard.

Not that she knew it was supposed to be a date, but he knew there was mutual attraction between the two and he planned on making the most of that knowledge.

It was the last week of October and he wasn't sure what customs to abode by, he'd looked up various plans but all seemed either too unimpressionable or too elaborate for even his flourished style.

Eventually, he bit the bullet and called in his brother, who had significantly more knowledge about Midgardians and their courting customs than he did.

Thor was more than eager to help Loki, excited that his brother was finally attempting to get close to a Midgardian, who he had often expressed high distaste for.

"Brother! It is almost time for Halloween, use that to your advantage."

Loki's eyebrow raised a lithe eyebrow and stared at Thor with a blank expression.

"And what, do tell me, is Halloween?"

"It's a day of wonderful scares, delicious food and giving our sweets to little ones dressed as monsters," Thor grinned excitedly, his typical boisterousness shining through, "it is a very joyous time."

"I see, and how can I use this Halloween to my advantage?"

"There are many ways, allow me to show you."

For the next hour and a half, Thor showed Loki all the events that were around for him to start his 'non-date' with and how to end it.

Website upon website gave him example after example of what he could do, where he could go and some even gave him the best times to do them.

They compiled a list that Loki sat through and decided on by himself, sat in the dim light of his living room with a glass of wine on the table and a pen in his hand, which he used to cross out ideas he didn't want to go with or write notes and ideas next to ones that stood out.

In the end he decided to keep it simple with a horror movie marathon, mostly due to time restraints on her part, though she had the day after free and he planned on taking her out if things went his way.

Apparently it was a typical and cliché thing to do, but typical and cliché didn't mean it wasn't fun.

"That's a great idea," Thor beamed.

"Yes, though I don't want to be too forward in case my assumptions are wrong."

"Then I shall join you," Thor suggested with a shrug, "I'll be the one there to act as a buffer, a decoy until she gets so frightened that she seeks refuge in your arms and we have to turn the movie off."

Loki stared at his brother before nodding slowly, a coy smile slipping into place.

"Wonderful idea."

And so Thor and Loki worked on setting things up for the day.

They shopped for food and drinks to share among the three of them, telling her that she was more than welcome to bring her own snacks as well.

Loki made sure to tidy his already immaculate flat, just to be on the safe side.

He even changed the sheets of his bed the morning of, just to be sure that things would be fresh and crisp for her to sleep in for the first of what he hoped to be many times.

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