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(I'm attempting something a little different with this one.
I've wanted to write something to this for ages.
I don't know, it was fun to try and integrate the lyrics to a song into a fic as seamlessly as I could, also with the mixed storytelling of parents and child reader with 'you' and 'me'...I tried, which is all you can do.
The song is Ugly by Sugababes.)

You're curled up in bed, staring at the wall opposite you and scrunching the warm sheets that covered your small body in your little hands.

There's a quick knock on the door and you see a familiar figure step inside from the corner of your eye, but you don't turn away from the spot on the wall.

"What's so fascinating, sweetie?" I asked, walking over with a soft smile.

"Nothing mummy," you replied dully, finally looking away from the wall as if to accentuate your point.

The edge of the bed dipped down as I sit down, body twisted towards you in the hopes that you would eventually look at me.

There's a sad frown etched into your brow that's been concerning me, you've had it for days now and nothing your father and I tried seemed to coax you out of this seemingly eternal sadness.

Reaching over, I gently ran my hand over your head, flaking my fingers into your hair, which held black flecks that you had inherited from your father, to give you a loving pet and forced the comforting smile of a mother.

"Shall we read a story before it gets too late? You have tutoring tomorrow."

You nodded slowly, though I could see on your face that that wasn't really what you wanted.

Standing up from the bed, I moved across the room to your vast bookcase, something your father always insisted on you having, and looked over the large variety of books before settling on one of your favourites.

Maybe this would cheer you up.

I sincerely hoped so.

Walking back over, I sit down once again, only this time closer to you and rest the book in my lap so that I could comfortably open the page in a way we could both see the illustrations.

"All right," I said with a soft sigh, "let's get started, shall we?"

I glanced up from the book and froze, seeing the tears in your eyes.

"Sweetie?" I frowned, "are you okay?"

You nodded and vigorously wiped at your eyes, though more tears replaced the ones that you had wiped away and I could see that your bottom lip was quivering.

"You know you can't lie to me, I married the God of them," I said softly, adding a little faint laugh.

I looked at you in hopes of seeing even a hint of a smile or to hear a small titter, but I'm instead greeted by a hiccupped sob which you attempted to hide from me.

"I don't wanna go to tutoring," you whimpered, covering your eyes and sobbing harder.

"Why not? I thought you liked tutoring?"

"No! I hate it! Everyone is horrible!"

My heart wrenched uncomfortably at your outburst.

Your father had insisted on you entering tutoring with the other children to give you a higher chance of making friends, I had agreed that it would be a good idea so that you would get at least a little socialising in rather than sitting around by yourself or with one of us all the time.

"Who is horrible?" I asked, moving closer once again.

"Everyone, I hate them all, they call me names like ugly and pull my hair and I don't like them, I never want to go back."

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