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A plume of smoke wafted out of the room as you pushed the door open, causing you to briefly sputter and wave your hand in front of your face in hopes of getting some clear air.

From somewhere in the green mist you could hear a small voice muttering curses that sounded far too old for them, a strange and yet somehow adorable mix as some of the words came out a little incorrectly.

"Loki? Are you okay?" You called through the smoke, relieved that it seemed to be easing up and breathing was gradually becoming easier.

"No!" Came the squeaked reply, an all too adorable one.

From amongst the smoke you could see a small silhouette slowly stomping forward, struggling beneath a pile of too big fabric and stumbling in oversized shoes that clomped as he moved.

Your heart swelled and you couldn't help the squealed; "Aww," that escaped you as he stepped into view.

Staring up at you, surrounded by much too big armour, was an adorable Loki who looked to be about five years old, his cheeks puffed out in a pout as his wide blue eyes stared up at you from among his messed up and considerably shorter black hair.

"This isn't cute!" He squeaked in protest, stomping his foot.

This only resulted in your grinning widely and letting out another noise of appreciation at adorableness.

"It really is, look at you," you laughed, stepping closer so you could crouch down in front of him, "what happened?"

"I must have cast the wrong thing, gotten the incantations mixed up or something."

"And this is the result? What were you trying to do?"

"Nothing important," he huffed, folding his little arms.

"Of course not," you sighed dramatically and stood back up, "can you reverse it?"

"It's best to wait and see if it'll revert itself, I don't want to make a bigger mess of myself."

"Uh-huh, how long will that take?"

"A day, maybe two?"

"Alright, looks like I'll be taking care of you until then."

You looked him over and gave another little giddy giggle, then turned away and headed out of the room whilst making a mental list of what he could possibly need.

"I don't need taking care of!" He yelled after you, stumbling forward awkwardly in his shoes.

You stopped and turned to face him, your face softening at the sight of his struggle.

Without hesitation, you walked over and plucked him out of the too large clothes whilst making sure to at least keep his usual undershirt to ensure that he was covered to at least some degree.

One of his boots clattered to the floor, in the way of the doorway, so you nudged the clothes and shoes further into the room and closed the door.

"I don't need carrying either."

"Okay, I guess I'll just put you down so you can run on those little legs to keep up."

He glared up at you, a sight that made you scoff out a laugh as it was the cutest equivalent of his usual glower that you had ever seen.

"We'll have to get you some clothes."

"No need," Loki shook his head and held up a hand, "I'll just conjure myself some."

From his small fingers a green flare seemed to spark just the smallest bit before dying out once again.

He let out a huff and tried again with the same result.

"My magic seems to be playing up."

"I can see that, well it looks like we'll be getting you some lovely clothes, maybe we can find you some nice frilly dresses."

"As long as I'm dressed in something, I wouldn't care if you dressed me up like Cinderella."


"Some Midgardian fairytale," he shrugged, waving his hand dismissively.

You almost cooed at how his tiny voice sounded saying 'Midgardian', you knew that you were going to die from cute overload before the day was out.

You took in Loki's current cover and chewed on your lip in thought.

There was no way that you could take him out in just an oversized shirt, it would be perfectly fine for wandering around the palace, but it was less than stellar attire for the marketplace.

"I wonder if Frigga has any of their baby clothes still," you mumbled to yourself.

"No!" Loki cried, sounding like a child having a tantrum, "Mother can't know about this."

"Well you can't very well go out of the kingdom looking like that."

"I can't leave the confines of the palace walls, people will laugh at me."

"What? Why?"

"Come on, me, a great sorcerer turning himself into an infant by mistake? I'll be a laughing stock."

"Then we'll do what you do best and lie."

Loki looked up at you and smirked, his signature look making him look like an adorable child with an evil side hidden deep within.

"I didn't know you had a penchant for lying."

"I do when I have to."

"Wonderful," he grinned, "so what's the plan?"

"Isn't it obvious? You're going to be my son."

His smirk instantly fell into a look of pure gobsmack.

"What? But then everyone will presume I'm a father."

"Then shift and be someone else, be my daughter if you're that fussed."

Loki only rolled his eyes and let out a small grumble, obviously thinking that you wouldn't pick up on the nasty word he had just called you.

A smirk of your own twisted your lips as you looked down at him.

"Now really, is that any way to speak to your parent?"

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