What Happens on Sakaar

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It was that initial look of confusion and bewilderment that had endeared you to him immediately, but that dwindled quickly into a form of petty jealousy that even you couldn't fully comprehend.

His stumbling around after the Grandmaster like a sheep with his shepherd, something that clearly pleased the Grandmaster himself, did nothing but spur the growing distaste towards the new arrival.

The more followers the better, you supposed, the big man himself wasn't particularly fussy as long as he got the attention and adoration.

It hadn't taken long before Loki had found favour with the Grandmaster and he'd managed to acquire a new wardrobe, one that, whilst flattering to his figure, didn't suit him as well as the armour he had arrived in.

It had become a terrible habit for your eyes to drift down whenever he entered the room and if you didn't know any better, you would believe that the arrogant smirk he held was evidence enough that he knew people were looking.

There was something about that arrogance that you wanted to knock down a little, he clearly thought a lot about himself and that over self confidence, to you, was unacceptable.

He'd barely been here a week and already seemed to be one of the favourites, a fact that stirred up your annoyance further.

You'd never had a need to be within the 'it crowd' before, you were usually quite happy to skirt around the sidelines and remain hidden.

In fact, though you would go to the small get together held by the Grandmaster, you never truly cared about the others in attendance or where they stood amongst the warped society of Sakaar.

So why was Loki's presence here such an irritation?

You glared towards where he was lounging on the large couch, a drink in one hand whilst his arm was thrown over the back of the chair, just barely grazing a woman who was flirting disgustingly obviously with him.

An unpleasant sneer twitches at your lip and you have to force yourself to look away, finishing off your new favourite drink from this planet that was once so foreign to you.

The typical chatter of the routine get together became a distant background noise, there was nothing new to hear so listening in on everyone's conversations and jokes would merely serve to bore you faster.

These things were always the same.

Or at least had been until Loki arrived.

There was something revitalising about his arrival, the stories he'd tell of a world you never knew and would never know were fascinating and he was actually a genuinely funny guy who didn't need polite laughs from socialites that merely felt false and awkward.

From where you sat, you could vaguely make out his enchanting voice from amongst the drone as he started another one of his fables, knowing that everyone would be hooked.

The woman who was clearly getting lucky tonight had a hand on his knee, she traced light circles with her fingernails before dragging them up to his thigh.

Loki would have appeared unphased, had it not been for the very subtle shifts in his posture and side glanced towards her as he spoke.

The smirks they were sharing made your stomach flip, though you had noted that she seemed to be more into it than he did.

Although that may have partially been because she was in the usual strange attire the people of Sakaar took a liking to and with her face mostly covered with an odd piece of headgear, there was no way for Loki to truly know what he was getting into until it was perhaps too late.

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