Accept Me

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(A small oneshot I thought of at work today, a small lead on from any Dad!Loki oneshots I have.

Told in Saemneir Lokison's point of view.)

Saemneir wrung his hands together and let out a long breath, one that he hadn't even realised that he had been holding.

Today was the day he was to make introductions to his parents for the first time, to say he was nervous would have been an understatement.

He was terrified.

He flinched as a warm hand clasped over his own cold one and gave it a little squeeze, it wasn't enough to fully calm him but it did help to remind him that he wasn't doing this alone.

"Relax," a voice spoke softly beside him, an obvious tone of amusement laced in.

"I'm trying," Saemneir sighed, running a hand through his dark hair, "I'm just worried about what they'll say."

"From what you've told me, I can only hazard a guess that they won't care as long as you are happy."

Saemneir looked at Kenaz and gave him the best smile he could muster despite the way his heart hammered in his chest, he hoped it portrayed the confidence he wasn't feeling.

"They've always been so supportive, I don't know why this is getting to me so much," he sighed, turning Kenaz's hand around to lace their fingers.

"I don't know either, they'll love me," he grinned with a winning smile, "especially your dad, I mean my name is his old rune isn't it?"

Saemneir laughed at his boyfriend's confidence, "You have a point, in theory at least, but that was possibly many lives ago."

"He's the one you're most worried about, aren't you?"

The sincere look into Kenaz's silver eyes made his heart skip a beat and butterflies flutter in his stomach, internally he gushed at the way he knew exactly what Saem was thinking or feeling, but out loud he chuckled out a:

"I hate you for being right all the time."

He only grinned wider and gave a playful little chuckle of his own, "You're just so readable, but come on, Loki would be the last one I'd worry about."

Saemneir arched an eyebrow and looked at Kenaz quizzically, "Why?"

"This is the man who, in one life, birthed an eight legged horse."

"Come on," he groaned in reply whilst dropping his head back against the cushion of the carriage he was sat in, "can we not talk about one of my dad's many lives? I think even he wants to forget that."

"Exactly my point," Kenaz shrugged, "what's worse? Your past self being a mother to a spider-horse or your son dating another man?"

Saemneir sighed loudly and closed his eyes, once again squeezing their hands tightly together.

"Stop having points."

"Only when you stop being a silly half-Jotun."

He opened his eyes again and tilted his head to look at the male beside him, an uncontrollable smile spreading across his lips as he was met with the loving gaze of the Vanir beside him.

They shared a quick kiss as the carriage gradually slowed down to a stop outside the palace.

Saemneir pulled away and looked out of the window towards the front doors at the top of the tall staircase, even from the bottom he could see the large wooden doors opening and figures moving out to welcome them.

His heart once again jumped into his throat and began to beat rapidly.

Kenaz on the other hand had already opened the door on his side and was in the process of hopping out with an eager spring in his step.

"Come on, Saem," he called from outside.

Saemneir felt his already cold blood freezing a little more as he could see his mother and father approaching the top of the staircase, obviously staring down at them despite him not being able to see their faces clearly.

Closing his eyes, he let out a shuddered breath and silently said a prayer.

"Please, accept us."

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